03-23-2019, 12:21 PM
(03-23-2019, 11:50 AM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: I feel my fear in this situation is not a choice. I just feel it.
But this does not mean I can't get past it.
Are you absolutely sure about that?
I would hazard a guess that you have a belief that a chair should be sat in (perfectly normal and expected of course!), which is being coupled to a belief/expectation/possibility of a visitation.
We are, after all, talking about the direction a chair faces. Why not just stand behind you or even just in the same room? Why would a physical chair be necessary for a non physical being?
To you it makes sense / is part of your experience. To others it would not make sense / is not part of their experience. Which is why I bolded the above, are you categorically sure that you're not projecting your own thoughts into the chair?
(03-23-2019, 11:51 AM)Diana Wrote: Nice to hear from you, and great insights, Namaste.Hi Diana, hope all is well.
That is a very good example. I will take these examples a step further and say that taking action can be done without drama. What I mean by that is the self need not get too wrapped up in outcomes (I know I harp on this idea but I think it's integral to understanding unconditional love). Unconditional love involves acceptance—but by that I do not mean letting everything be because it's all perfect. As Ra said, if you come across a starving person, the proper response is to feed that entity (paraphrased).
Personally I would not kill the mosquitos, and instead of letting my friend kill them, I would be proactive and see if the hotel had mosquito nets, or if a local market did. I probably would have brought essential oils or a natural insect repellent (I did this when visiting Costa Rica). On the other hand, I almost got myself killed while staying at an outpost 4 hours into the jungle on the river (in that same trip to Costa Rica), by freeing some captive animals in cages (toucans, monkeys, and more, all screaming or trying to free themselves) on the dock in the middle of the night. My boyfriend talked me out of it, adding that I would be putting everyone on the tour in danger, not just myself. I ended up spending time around the cages and trying to pour love out to those poor animals. There was a sweet tapir who came up to me and snuffled my hand. That whole scene still makes me cry.
I have removed spiders, lizards, cockroaches, and all manner of what others call "pests" from client's meeting rooms, friends and family's homes, stores. If I were attached to the outcome, I would be an activist. I would lecture the people who marvel at me taking a cockroach outside before it gets stepped on by someone shrieking eeeeyoooo. I just help the cockroach because that's all I care about in the moment (a caveat is that ultimately I care about humanity evolving to the point that all life is honored, but I have no control over that). On the other hand, when it came to those caged animals in Costa Rica, I was emotionally attached, but I didn't go so far as to try and convince anyone of my perspective. However, I definitely would have stepped in if I'd seen anyone try to hurt or kill the animals. And yet—they were being hurt. So . . . there are many layers of action and consequences and dynamics to sort out regarding this subject.
But "willingness to act" really derives from who we are at any given time. And I think that is the source of "all is well as it is." It doesn't mean all is well, with so much suffering here (in my—subject to change—opinion), it means who or what any being is at any given time is okay.
While we are evolving as individual expressions, and dynamically interacting with the cosmic soup of existence, there is this from Ra:
Quote:Ra: I am Ra. . . . You may, at this time, note that as with any entities, each Wanderer has its unique abilities, biases, and specialties so that from each portion of each density represented among the Wanderers comes an array of pre-incarnative talents which then may be expressed upon this plane which you now experience so that each Wanderer, in offering itself before incarnation, has some special service to offer in addition to the doubling effect of planetary love and light and the basic function of serving as beacon or shepherd.
Thus there are those of fifth density whose abilities to express wisdom are great. There are fourth- and sixth-density Wanderers whose ability to serve as, shall we say, passive radiators or broadcasters of love and love/light are immense. There are many others whose talents brought into this density are quite varied.
Though wanderers here may already be functioning as a beacon of planetary love and light, those of Ra also point out the importance of individual expression.
I so agree with this as well, and thank you this beautiful reminder. It's easy to get caught up in "shoulds" and analyses outside of self. Referencing the above quote from Ra, we are all unique beings, and that is what we may tap into for full expression of what we have to offer this existence.
That Ra quote has always been a favourite. Simple, insightful and explains passion so well.
Regarding the mozzies; we had/tried sprays and the hotel was very—very—basic. Lesson learnt, next time we travelled nets were taken along for the ride! Same here, I often get odd looks from friends who find it odd I've made efforts to save an insect. Especially when moving worms off pathways. I find it amusing :¬)
Yes indeed, our personalities are malleable and we shift and change. Sometimes towards unconscious negative habits, sometimes towards proactive positive ones. Such is the nature and challenge of third density!