(03-20-2019, 06:21 PM)Infinite Unity Wrote: A lot of people think its damning or completely crazy to think the creator is like a human at all. I highly disagree. Now don't get me wrong I don't believe the human processing power, fundamental energy, or creative abilities are directly on par with The Creators. However I cant think that we are completely unlike The Creator at all. I believe we are a lot like The Creator in fundamental ways. Such as Thinking, Memory, Learning. The great over-arching aspects of our experience, I do believe is "in the image of God", as there is no escaping who you are.
I totally agree Infinite Unity, I think we can't escape
We are a parcel of Creator but we are all of that parcel, and He is all of that parcel. We may manifest on another planet with a different aspect from our present human aspect but we are Creator's part as well. So Creator as a human will have any other appearance we will take. It' pretty wild and beautiful.
It's difficult to accept because we think ourselves not perfect while we are only and just under the veil, just as we keep evolving and
it's like being in third grade and another entity is in sixth grade and yet there is a nothing wrong with a child being in third grade compared to a child in sixth.