03-17-2019, 11:01 PM
i am schubert. great article you can check out: https://www.astralvoyage.com/articles/wh...we-die.php
2 points come to mind for me. i personally dont think anybody experiences just a black void for a long period of time. one of the big purposes of life seems to be the spiritual development of souls with the end goal of returning to source. if dying with the belief that there was no afterlife meant a black void, that would be highly counterproductive to this goal. i think reality has "systems" in place to make sure that no soul is unable to continue to progress. this is kind of what the whole concept of catalysts is about.
my other point is that when people say "we go where we expect to after death", for some people that might be literal as in say someone is from a different planet or density and they die, perhaps the veil is lifted and they remember where their "home" is and they choose to go there. for other people it might be more appropriate to say "what we expect to happen, happens after death" as in say a christian dies, they might be greeted by a being who appears to them as jesus christ and guides them thru the process of being reincarnated. i think that article might answer some questions of yours if you didnt already check it out
2 points come to mind for me. i personally dont think anybody experiences just a black void for a long period of time. one of the big purposes of life seems to be the spiritual development of souls with the end goal of returning to source. if dying with the belief that there was no afterlife meant a black void, that would be highly counterproductive to this goal. i think reality has "systems" in place to make sure that no soul is unable to continue to progress. this is kind of what the whole concept of catalysts is about.
my other point is that when people say "we go where we expect to after death", for some people that might be literal as in say someone is from a different planet or density and they die, perhaps the veil is lifted and they remember where their "home" is and they choose to go there. for other people it might be more appropriate to say "what we expect to happen, happens after death" as in say a christian dies, they might be greeted by a being who appears to them as jesus christ and guides them thru the process of being reincarnated. i think that article might answer some questions of yours if you didnt already check it out