03-17-2019, 07:57 PM
(03-17-2019, 01:28 PM)Glow Wrote: It is possible to know, especially since the original 3 who channeled the material knew before it was confirmed to them.
Well think about it like this. If the 3 of them knew without any doubt, then why ask Ra in the first place? It would be like asking if the sky was blue. Or think of a situation where you did a good job. When someone compliments us, we don't respond with "yeah, I know". Instead we say something like, "well I thought so, but I'm very glad to have outside confirmation".
We can always reject/ignore our intuition. We don't have to believe in the information channelled by Ra. We can wake up tomorrow and just think everything we thought up until now was nonsense. Actually I've done this a few times because I would get sick of a wave of negative greeting, and it would make it stop.
I want to make it perfectly clear. I am not here to tell anyone that they're not a wanderer! I think it's likely you are a wanderer Glow. I think it's likely that many people here are wanderers. My opinion is that while I can't say you are a wanderer, if you're not one, then I don't know who would be! Who else fits the M.O. as well? And if you say you know, then that is great. I have no qualms about it.
I'm just trying to highlight the function of faith in our lives. Faith is our spiritual powerhouse. When everything is falling down around us, and everything is pointing to disaster, it is faith that allows us to power through. It is faith that makes us hold to our principles when everyone around us is corrupt. It is faith which makes us impervious to the physic attack of others because whatever they do, they can't break us.
So I'm very proud that I don't know these things, but that I still chose to act as though they are true anyway, because it says a lot more about me as a person.
There are some situations however where people do end up knowing for sure, namely some powerful NDE experiencers. These people say how the other-side was so hyper-real that it makes this life the dream. They can't discount it as an overactive imagination and come back as completely different people and devote their whole lives to service. Below is an account I find especially inspiring:
But note what he says after 41:30. Here are some quotes - "I have no faith ... when I died, god took belief from me ... to me only god is real and this is the place of passage and illusion."
I find that super interesting. It's like he's turned into a messenger of god, and he is no longer a spiritual being undergoing a normal incarnation where the faculties of love and faith need to be developed under a veil.