(03-09-2019, 04:00 PM)redchartreuse Wrote: Surely by now... if we truly care for our children... surely we should have already dedicated enough resources to at least have some type of screening available to determine in advance if a particular child was at abnormally high risk of being harmed by a vaccine.
Let's go with your definition with the piece about reasonable alternative design.
OK now we're getting somewhere. I would say that the "reasonable alternative design" of vaccine development itself should include ongoing investigative research into the factors which may make a child more susceptible to vaccine injury.
I would argue that saving even one life would provide an immeasurable value to society, as compared to the relatively paltry sum of money it would take to figure out, once and for all, how to properly identify a child who is at higher risk of vaccine injury, and then to provide that service free of charge.
What do you think?
Just to note, the reasonable alternative design is not strictly required in some states, but given that design defect products liability is usually negligence related (a reasonable person would not have designed it that way), its very difficult to win the negligence argument without putting forth a good alternative design that was known and readily useable by the designer even in states where it is not strictly required.
I agree with should do something and I think the #1 solution is empowering people and the people hurt by making manufacturers liable.
Screening isn't a bad suggestion, but I have little faith in regulators now that industry these days is so organized and has such a heavy influence on them (EPA, FCC), and there's little incentive for manufacturers to do it. Interestingly I think if you held manufacturers liable it would jumpstart the manufacturer's interest in figuring out screen if they had trouble figuring out the design aspect. So while I personally wouldn't hold my breath that screening mandated by regulators would solve a lot of these problems, I would be totally for such a suggestion of screening.