03-09-2019, 01:16 AM
(03-08-2019, 11:54 PM)redchartreuse Wrote: Sure, of course! I hope you didn't think I meant to imply that all vegans are rabid. My point is that it isn't the concern over vaccines (or cows) that is that problem, it is the rabid attitude that prevents one from seeing the larger picture, from which they might actually draw a connection to others.
Thanks, your response is well received and I'm glad you got the opportunity to further clarify your points.
To respond to the idea of rabidness, I think there is a fine line between passion and rabidness. Definately rabidness, by its' very definition, is not embued with wisdom. So I wonder if the path of martyrdom is also a form of rabidness?
I'm not sure about that, but what I do know is that on both sides of the vax argument I see a lot of love from parents, family and community members towards their children as they so badly want to make the right choice by them.
I see a lot of beauty in that, and it makes me think that maybe the world we live in is less about being as safe as possible, and more about having our love for eachother tested.
(03-08-2019, 11:54 PM)redchartreuse Wrote: And while you can make a very rational argument to an overly intellectual type as to why it is important for them to embrace their emotions, you cannot make any argument to an overly emotional type as to why it is important for them to embrace their intellect.
Not saying you're an emotional type, but you earlier wrote on how you believe you moved from a more emotional place to a more intellectual space. So can you breakdown that process, not so much from learning new information, but shifts in consciousness, to see if any wisdom can be gained that can be shared with others?