03-07-2019, 01:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-07-2019, 02:00 AM by redchartreuse.)
(03-07-2019, 01:15 AM)Cainite Wrote: It's not a lack of honesty.. rather than a lack of tolerance and kindness. you may have these things too but they should be merged with the truth in your blue ray. isn't blue ray called ''wisdom of love or loving wisdom''?
You know, I think you might be on to something there! It's not that I don't have tolerance and kindness... but perhaps more that I have a tendency to skip over the green ray exchange and go right for the blue. I have often pondered whether I might be one of those who previously polarized on the negative path, and then hit that "brick wall" in 6D and found myself having to go back and recapitulate some basic learnings about love.
In addition, while I do consciously strive to be more compassionate, I find it very easy to identify with the attitude that sees compassion as folly. Conversely, I am frequently baffled by the seeming difficulty that so many others have at seeing the same.
For example, while so many spiritual sources tend to beat the drum about how more love.. love.. love is the answer to all our earthly problems, it seems to me that love often IS the problem. I'm not thinking so much here in terms of brotherly or universal love, but that sort of fierce familial love where family members seek to protect each other from facing the consequences of their actions... even be it rape or murder. There is this pervasive belief that it is somehow "cruel" to allow a family member to be held responsible for atrocities they have committed and this idea that it is "noble" to stand behind a family member, no matter what they have done.
Anyhow, perhaps I would do better to build communication with others step-by-step moving through each of the rays before I come to the blue-ray "payload" so to speak.
Quote:Yeah this happens A LOT to me too. they wouldn't dare to do that if my eyes or body language weren't ''soft' at that moment.
I know, right? It sort of reminds me of this idea of how higher density beings shield themselves from being perceived by those of us in 3D, out of courtesy. There is this notion that, if a higher density being were to just manifest in front of a typical earth human, their vibration would immediately begin to raise thus bringing up with it all those "demons" and other things that they prefer to keep in the shadows. The result most likely being that the 3D entity would "project" all of their own fears onto the higher dimensional entity, and perceive them as "evil" when all they did was simply stand there and be a mirror.
Quote:Even some women at those times would walk straight into me and demand that I move aside and make way. which of course I won't do, to maintain equality.
Yeah, that reminds me of a time in college when I was exiting a building and held open a door for the person behind me, who just so happened to be a woman. (I hold doors open for men as well.) She apparently took it as some kind of chauvinistic move, and gave me such a look... you would have thought I had put a gun in her face!
Quote:Yeah.. some may approach me and see that I'm not fake. they quickly retreat in confusion and fear of the truth I may present them with that they're escaping.
Yes, this gets back to what I was saying earlier. I think that certain people that are attempting to hide something sense at an unconscious level that I can see what they are trying to hide. This being perceived as a threat to them, they immediately go into attack mode.
Quote:btw my method of communicating with my higherself is usually through ''yes or no'' questions. with tarot cards. or if I dont have access to that, then by flipping coins. or numbers/colors in the enviornment when I'm walking.
Interesting! Perhaps I need to come up with a more structured system to use as a basis for communication...
Quote:attempt communication with your guide.. thoughts will be planted in your head.. most of the time it's them who plant the questions in your mind or bring them up from your depths to answer.. if they think they're appropriate.
Yeah there was a time where I was all open to talking to my guides and all that... what happened was just a bunch of conflicting thoughts jumbling around in my head. One telling me to turn left. Another telling me to turn right. Eventually, after being "guided" into a highly destructive relationship, I performed a ritual to banish them all.
I have since undone the banishment, but I am still very skeptical of any guidance from anything that is not my Higher Self. I guess... it speaks to me often enough as that "still, small voice" however I still think it would be cool to have more of an open back-and-forth communication with it.
Perhaps, from its perspective, it often does not matter whether I turn left or right... and silence is its way of communicating that.