03-06-2019, 05:53 PM
A lovely quote I just came upon and thought to share with you.
Quote:Let us go back to the simplicity of our original statement: all things are one. All things are love. To try to describe in your daily life, so that you can see the connection between your life and love—that becomes complicated, and so we tell you to meditate, to find the simplicity within the complication. We are aware of your conversation, and we wish to say that a statement that was made is indeed true, and that statement was that you are here for one purpose only, and that is to gain knowledge, to gain understanding. This is not a selfish purpose. This is not an egoistic search. This is, indeed, your whole reason for being here. You did not create yourself in the human sense. The Creator that created you desired that each one of His children learn, of his own free will, to love Him and to [serve] each of his brothers. As each of you goes about your daily existence, the very nature within you cries out for learning and for understanding. This is your birthright, and far from being selfish, it is the whole purpose of your existence. Anything you may do for others must first spring from your understanding of yourself.http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/is..._1003.aspx