03-04-2019, 06:33 PM
(03-03-2019, 10:46 AM)Stranger Wrote: This is a thought that has bothered me for some time now, and reading Zingdad's The Ascension Papers 3rd edition Book 1 has finally crystallized the thought sufficiently for me to express it.
I don't expect an answer because I don't think there is an answer, but the question is worth considering.
Part 1 - The Question.
The One who started out as an undifferentiated whole still exists within parameters. At the very least, the One exists; is capable of creation; capable of experiencing itself; has at least one motive - eg, the motive to explore itself and its infinite capacities. It has capacities. It exists in bliss rather than just "exists."
I guess I disagree with the initial premise: that the One has organized parameters (which I would define for the purposes of our conversation as planned "limitations" or "structure"). You mentioned abilities like: will, and capacities, like creating, and existing in bliss, but I don't see these as "parameters" (planned structure) so much as simply the natural state, and/or powers, inherent in not collecting into pools of illusory separation. Infinity does have natural attributes simply by virtue of being infinity. Just like a still pond is different from a rippling pond. The image reflected will be different. Unity is simply the opposite of separation or distortion. You wouldn't call the lack of separation a part of planned structure would you? It is more of a natural attribute. You experience disorder, and disharmony, in separation because there is the illusion of moving parts which builds up the illusion of friction as the very thoughtform of separation is the essence of entropy -- the tendency towards disorder rather than order.
(03-03-2019, 10:46 AM)Stranger Wrote: In other words: The One has a *structure* inherent in it, even at the highest level, apart from all of its creation/illusion. It is not just an undifferentiated amorphous blob of Being - not even at its very core.
And at this point I am way past the materialistic/mechanistic belief that things just happened to be the way they are. That isn't true at any level of what is, and certainly even less so the higher (closer to the One, further from illusion) one goes. So no, The One did not "just happen" to have these attributes.
And if you say to me that The One does not have attributes apart from those attributes that it chose to create and explore, then that very statement contradicts itself. Choosing to create and explore attributes within itself requires the attributes of, again, choosing, creating, wishing to explore, and ability to experience its creations.
I agree that oneness contains attributes (though most eastern spiritual traditions forbid speaking of them for this very reason of confusion). It is infinity though, which is all potential attributes (that doesn't mean all attributes are manifesting at once because that would be a logical contradiction). Light and dark cannot exist in the same place in equal concentrations for example. There is the unnatural (chosen caused attributes) and the super natural (latent uncaused attributes). There is an awareness in unity of that threshold at which Beingness starts to become distorted though. The threshold at which the Light of Truth (Beingness) begins to become "bent", causing a rainbow of distorted Light to occur. And it simply willed an exploration of this threshold. So to say infinity has attributes which surpass a willed limited state, like separation, doesn't contradict the idea that there are natural (again, I wouldn't call it structure) but orders to unity, or intelligent infinity. I would say unity, or intelligent infinity, is a perfect synthesis of order and chaos. It is order because is perfect harmony, but it is chaos because it was not a planned order. It is simply the natural attributes of unity. The uncaused causer. The unmoved mover.
So if I'm not speaking sufficiently clear: there are natural attributes to undistorted unity. But they are not created, they are just mathematical naturalistic qualities inherent in the essence of unity. Separation is the more unnatural attribute which is an exploration of falsity. Truth, or unity, really does have a natural order to it. The attributes we experience in the illusion are a distortion of the Original Attributes. We are perceiving the original attributes poorly, and this gives rise to the illusion. Their reality is derived from the original attributes of undistorted infinity. But the One *DID* just naturally have those attributes. Why do we find those attributes "good" (too good to be true that we must assume it can't just naturally be this way)? Because that is what Go(o)d is! Our very notions of what is good were rigged from the start! They were derived from the original substrates of unity, or nonduality. "God is good". And our concept of good is naturally derived from that unity.
"The one undifferentiated intelligent infinity, unpolarized, full and whole, is the macrocosm of the mystery-clad being. We are messengers of the Law of One. Unity, at this approximation of understanding, cannot be specified by any physics but only be activated or potentiated intelligent infinity due to the catalyst of free will. This may be difficult to accept. However, the understandings we have to share begin and end in mystery."
It cannot be specified by physics, but it may be specified, or clarified, by searching the heart.
It's either that or it is turtles all the way down, my friend! And you will always be looking for that next turtle until you find the uncaused causer (unity as opposed to dis-unity).