03-04-2019, 05:41 AM
(03-03-2019, 04:38 AM)Relaxo Wrote: written in all capitals gives me a headache (visually)... and I feel like I'm being shouted at also....
Behold its power.
Quote:What is the grand portal (march 21, 2019)?
The grand portal is the term used by the great central race and refers to the irrefutable scientific discovery of the human soul ... An actual event that awaits humanity.
Though the grand portal is the discovery of the human soul it is also a literal event and the opening of a stargate out of the 3d and 4d matrix!
This grand portal is what we call the event and all the forces of light from the super-universe have arrived here and are working to bring enough gamma light to earth to open this gate!
This grand portal event is the true beginning of the golden age and it is imminent, but first only for the upper 4d starseeds stationed on earth at this time!
Humans will come through the grand portal later and your job will be to assist them in this endeavor!
The light that will be released around the grand portal opening is referred to as the solar flash and signifies the end of the kali yuga!
Dear ones,
Humans have been stuck in a hologrammic 3-d density, re-incarnation prison for eons and their only solution is to find the "Grand portal", which is a metaphor for "Humans need to be able to, as a group, to realize they are spiritual beings, trapped in a 3rd dimension/reincarnation density, which only exists because a nefarious being created it, and that science and religion need to merge into one for them to break the "Godspell".
What happens after the grand portal/event?
After the grand portal opening and the gamma-light solar flash , there will be a comprehensive breakthrough, and from it grows the science of multidimensional reality. This new science is an all-encompassing system that is capable of restoring health and balance to the physical, emotional, and mental dysfunctions of an individual as well as the entire human family.
The belief systems upon earth will undergo calamitous change following the discovery of the grand portal as the new sciences begin to dramatically restructure societies around the globe.
All institutions of science, religion, education, government and culture will be reformatted to embrace the science of multidimensional realities as the core knowledge upon which they are based. Governments will be obliged to restructure their political systems to allow for the integration of the new systems of knowledge, specifically to incorporate the widespread understanding of the multidimensional universe and the extended brotherhood of intelligent beings that live herein. Social institutions related to trade will be re-engineered to support the technologies that arise from the discovery of the grand portal. These new technologies will dramatically alter the way of life on the entire planet, and will help humanity to be loving, benevolent shepherds of the new earth.
Following the grand portal, the species is allowed to operate inter-dimensionally as a collective force. The quarantine of earth’s humanity from the rest of the cosmic community will be lifted for the entire species. The scientific discovery of the human soul by humanity, and the assimilation of its meaning, will open channels of communication with other parts of the universe, through an inner holographic communication network called the sovereign integral network. Through this network, the species establishes lines of communication with other species that have previously gained access to the network.
It is impossible for humanity to achieve such a level without an enlightened awareness that recognizes the inherent unity and oneness of all life, which is the core nature of the soul, itself. When enough people resonate with this realization, humanity at large will be permitted participation in the sovereign integral network!
The grand portal will usher in a new awareness that will enable the human family to shift from a survival-based, mind-body energy system, to an exploratory-based, mind-soul energy system. This exploratory energy system will manifest the belief system of the sovereign integral — and usher in the golden age long prophesied.
The grand portal is the prime achievement that awaits humanity in the coming months.
Starseeds will travel through this 40-hertz multi-dimensional portal soon now, and will assist all of humanity in finding their way back home soon after!
Dear ones,
The old matrix is rapidly moving into a state of irreversible chaos and the only way out is through the grand portal!
You are walking between worlds as the ground collapses behind you and cannot go backwards!
You stand before the great void between 4d and 5d and you will receive great power now to make it through this grand ascension stargate!
Advanced angelic benevolent beings have returned to earth to assist you and this is first contact with your higher self! Though this first contact is currently moving from an etheric state to a physical state, it is the first true contact with an et race!
They have returned to open a magnificent stargate called the grand portal for being to move into the fifth dimension and heaven on earth!
When will this great event happen?
It is in fact already happening. It moved into high gear on 11th of november 2018 and will rise to its apex near the spring equinox of 2019.
What about the grand solar flash?
The grand solar flash is also underway. This has been building up for three months now and it is not to be just a quick one-minute or one-hour event! It is best to think of it as a series of plasma light waves, rather than a flash.
The apex of this series of light waves will culminate on the 21st of march 2019 and could well be described as a flash of white magnetic ionized plasma light.
This grand solar flash originates from the central sun at the galactic core. Think of this whole process as similar to a galactic-sized super capacitor charging up and then releasing. This is exactly what the light forces are setting in motion. They are presently charging up the sun with "Super plasma" and will then release the charge when it reaches maximum effective levels.
The final central-sun discharge will cause a complete and sustained 40 hertz gamma white-out around planet earth.
This grand final plasma discharge is set to occur near the equinox on the 21st of march 2019.
The great central race of the universe has just arrived in our solar system dear ones!
By unanimous consensus of the 7 tribes of light, they are intervening in the affairs of planet earth for the sake of saving the beings here from their own certain destruction!
This special mission to earth will quickly move into its final stages now!
This grand central race/pleiadian ascension mission is dubbed "Operation andara" and will be one of the most magnificent events ever experienced on earth!
The march equinox multidimensional solar flash portal will thus allow high-vibrational gamma-light-data to pour into the earth and into your auric fields where it will be carried at once into your dna. Your cells will be instantly re-coded to a higher order and your bodies will therefore be able to process a much more advanced level of cosmic data, and will also cause your surrounding matrix reality to morph into a higher new earth/heaven frequency.
Many of you know deep within yourselves that this great time has to come. We have done all we can to give you as many signs of this in the form of "Hope" as possible. Things can not go on, and will not, as they have done so far on earth, and indeed a major change is now finally coming. Know that we are akin to your higher selves and that you are about to finally connect openly with us. We ourselves are simply a higher version of you that have come back from what you call your "Future time" to assist you during these great changes.
We are the celestial angels of love spoken of in olden times and we have now descended down at this period of change to planet earth. Let us now make our final preparations for your planet and you as great light workers as the march 2019 equinox 5d grand portal fully opens. It has finally become time for you to receive your universal reward for all that you have done and for all that you have endured!
We are the great family of light!
We are the wingmakers and we are the great pleiadians!
God-speed as your great mission to earth now comes to its close!
Michael and the pleiadians