03-03-2019, 12:22 PM
(03-03-2019, 10:46 AM)Stranger Wrote: This is a thought that has bothered me for some time now, and reading Zingdad's The Ascension Papers 3rd edition Book 1 has finally crystallized the thought sufficiently for me to express it.
I don't expect an answer because I don't think there is an answer, but the question is worth considering.
Part 1 - The Question.
The One who started out as an undifferentiated whole still exists within parameters. At the very least, the One exists; is capable of creation; capable of experiencing itself; has at least one motive - eg, the motive to explore itself and its infinite capacities. It has capacities. It exists in bliss rather than just "exists."
In other words: The One has a *structure* inherent in it, even at the highest level, apart from all of its creation/illusion. It is not just an undifferentiated amorphous blob of Being - not even at its very core.
And at this point I am way past the materialistic/mechanistic belief that things just happened to be the way they are. That isn't true at any level of what is, and certainly even less so the higher (closer to the One, further from illusion) one goes. So no, The One did not "just happen" to have these attributes.
And if you say to me that The One does not have attributes apart from those attributes that it chose to create and explore, then that very statement contradicts itself. Choosing to create and explore attributes within itself requires the attributes of, again, choosing, creating, wishing to explore, and ability to experience its creations.
So then why does The One have these attributes in the first place?
Part 2 - The Hypothesis.
In The Ascension Papers Book 1 Chapter 10 - What Is Evil? - the author/entity channeled presents a very compelling account of how The One's wish to experience many-ness was taken to its logical extreme (we hope) of asking, what would it be like to be trapped in many-ness, sinking ever deeper into it? And as a result of this inquiry, other thoughts arose which, being the One's thoughts, became manifestations rather than abstract speculations. The Veil, ego and hatred were among the secondary thoughts that came into existence to allow this possibility to be explored, so that separation would not only be experienced but deepened further from within by the choices and creations of the veiled parts of the One.
The veiled beings (us) have the full capacity to experience ourselves as random accidents in an impersonal Universe, with nothing beyond that.
According to The Father, The One is not aware of anything apart from itself. Yet it has attributes inherent in it (including being itself).
What if The One is also, itself, a (hyper-)veiled part of a larger Reality?
Sounds like your describing Logos. Its weird I've done that so many times myself. Trace through the layers, and think your getting close to The Creator itself, Just to come full circle.