02-24-2019, 03:43 PM
I found a book in which the author arrived the same informations of Ra's answers about kundalini levels of awakening. But he supposedly never read LOO because the book isn't on the chapter of bibliography. Here a stretch from the the book:
Source: http://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/up...enment.pdf
Quote:Where is the end of the journey?
Usually the term “enlightenment” is used synonymously with Brahmajnana or God Realization. However, the term actually refers to a series of events beginning before Brahmajnana and continuing after it.
The “first” enlightenment
In Chapter 3, we heard from sages like John Ruusbroec, Jacob Boehme, and J. Krishnamurti what the first experience of enlightenment, or spiritual awakening, is like. We saw that it occurs when the kundalini reaches the fourth or heart chakra.
It reveals to us our true nature as divine Light, the Christ, the Child of God. You may wish to review their experiences before turning to the second level.
The “second” enlightenment
A second experience of enlightenment arises when the kundalini reaches the sixth or brow chakra. One goes into a type of samadhi Vedantists call “savikalpa,” which means “with form,” as opposed to “nirvikalpa,” which means “without form.”
In savikalpa samadhi, as Swami Vivekananda explains, “one feels a trace of duality, of distinction between subject and object.” In nirvikalpa samadhi, “one effaces, in the depths of meditation, all distinction between the knower and the goal of knowledge.” (1)
In savikalpa samadhi, says Swami Brahmananda, “one experiences the mystic vision of the spiritual form of God, while the consciousness of individuality remains.” (2) Sri Ramakrishna gave Swami Brahamananda exactly that boon while he was a young boy, then known as Rakhal.
”Look,” said the Master, “there is your Chosen Ideal!” Rakhal in ecstatic vision saw his chosen aspect of the Godhead standing before him — living and luminous, with a smile playing on his lips. When Rakhal regained his external consciousness and saw Sri Ramakrishna, he prostrated at his feet with loving devotion. He had known and experienced the divine power and grace of his guru. (3)
Another common form of sixth-chakra enlightenment experience is the seeing of a mystic light suffusing the whole realm of creation. It was the source of William Wordsworth’s poetry.
"Such was the Boy — but for the growing Youth
What soul was his, when, from the naked top
Of some bold headland, he beheld the sun
Rise up, and bathe the world in light! He looked –
Ocean and earth, the solid frame of earth
And ocean’s liquid mass, in gladness lay
Beneath him:– Far and wide the clouds were touched,
And in their silent faces could he read Unutterable love.
Sound needed none, Nor any voice of joy; his spirit drank
The spectacle: sensation, soul, and form,
All melted into him; they swallowed up
His animal being; in them did he live,
And by them did he live; they were his life." (4)
The sense of subject and object, or duality, persists in savikalpa samadhi. It may be that St. Paul was referring to savikalpa samadhi when he wrote: "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."(5)
St. Paul conveys a sense of this barrier between us and God characteristic of sixth-chakra enlightenment. It's as if we were seeing through a glass pane.
The “third” enlightenment
Brahmajnana occurs when the spiritual energy reaches the seventh chakra or sahasrara, at the crown of the head. The spiritual energy has completed its circuit in the body. Sri Ramakrishna describes what can happen next, though It's not necessarily the case with everyone, as we shall see.
"After passing the six centres the aspirant arrives at the seventh plane. … The individual soul and the Supreme Soul become one. The aspirant goes into samadhi. His consciousness of the body disappears. He loses the knowledge of the outer world. He doesn't see the manifold any more. His reasoning comes to a stop."
Source: http://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/up...enment.pdf