Sanskrit - H*Ariyan Language (still in Russia there are H*Arian texts on old churches), very possible.
H is not read, H = X means god's power.
Bhagavad Gita = Baga-vat (Boga-vat = God's , Bog = God in russian; t at the end is not pronounced in some words and languages even french, would even make it Boga-va, means exactly God's in russian) .
Devanagari = ancient hindu and brahma scripts.
Devanagari = Deva na gare (i and e sounds the same) . Means , literally, "a young woman on the mountain" in russian, letter to letter. Some southern people, like in current Ukraine , would even pronounce it with an "i", "deva na gari"). Some of the songs that a girl on the mountain would perform , that later became ancient hindu and brahma scripts.
Parts of India were parts of the Grand TaRtaria.
Recently serious scientists decoded language by venetas and etruscans , very similar very old language. Part of the Grand TaRtarian lands. Etruscan = russians (at-"rus-ski" literally means "at russian").
H is not read, H = X means god's power.
Bhagavad Gita = Baga-vat (Boga-vat = God's , Bog = God in russian; t at the end is not pronounced in some words and languages even french, would even make it Boga-va, means exactly God's in russian) .
Devanagari = ancient hindu and brahma scripts.
Devanagari = Deva na gare (i and e sounds the same) . Means , literally, "a young woman on the mountain" in russian, letter to letter. Some southern people, like in current Ukraine , would even pronounce it with an "i", "deva na gari"). Some of the songs that a girl on the mountain would perform , that later became ancient hindu and brahma scripts.
Parts of India were parts of the Grand TaRtaria.
Recently serious scientists decoded language by venetas and etruscans , very similar very old language. Part of the Grand TaRtarian lands. Etruscan = russians (at-"rus-ski" literally means "at russian").