(02-17-2019, 12:13 AM)flofrog Wrote: I know that for Sanskrit there is a specific flow with a number of vowels, 'a' in majority which is vibrated in a way that we do not vibrate vowels in english. Sanskrit 'sings' vowel in a way I have never heard another language being spoken. Don't know if Hebrew is the same ?
Russian is like sanskrit.
It is a lot more complex. And it's predecessor slavic / cyrillic alphabet (not modern version, modern versions everywhere are destroyed by british via angli-fication of everyone they could , like anglo-fication of India and its alphabet in 1900th - coversion of alphabet from cyrillic to english letters , and like anglo-fication of all countries of Eastern Europe which did not have "latin" letters even 100 years back).
Before british and religious sects tried to destroy deeper meaning of the language, in order to cut the roots of the people and make us slaves. Before they did this in the last 200 years, alphabets were different and you've had deep... DEEEEEP word meanings. You still can actually which word is created from which , and how meanings evolves, which you have none in English language. Sanskrit, like old russian, has it's own etimology that actually makes sense. In english version of wikipedia , etimology is going back to "ancient greeks" (which were not ancient greeks and to "indo-european" which is a made up term , made up to cover up real language that was on the continent of Europe and ASia, the Grand TaRtaria - they tell you people of one country, Grand TaRtaria, spoke some mythical "indo-european"? not possible).
Arian symbols...Arian or As-ian , two different races, not sure which one was as it needs research... are found everywhere around the world, on every continent.
The STS negative entities tried to destroy arian symbology. Not only they attempted to eliminate it from history , they also created backward propaganda that "Arian" = "Hitler" , "nazi" etc. to create subconscious hate toward our ancient, arian symbols. There's a clear attempt to heavily manipulate this making all of us think it is negative. It is negative STS propaganda.
Google is massively manipulated, so check out alternative searches, DuckDuckGo and russian Yandex (google is the worst to compare slavic and aryan, but if you ask the right questions...):
Slavic symbols
Aryan ancient symbols
Aryan symbols
Slavic symbols, Google
For instance, you can find out that Slavic and Celtic ancient symbols are very similar (naturally, as celtic and Irish DNA on patternal side is 80% Haplogroup R1B, which came from Siberia - propaganda calls this "pre indo-european").
Celtic Symbols
I am going to upload some real slavic / aryan symbols, so that you'll see how history and search engines are manipulated to brainwash you.