02-11-2019, 08:14 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-11-2019, 08:17 AM by Infinite Unity.)
(02-10-2019, 10:08 PM)smiLie Wrote: Friends and the U.S.A are two opposite. It seems like as soon as you go outside of this unfriendly land - to Mexico, South America (even Costa Rica, Venezuela), Canada, Europe, Russia, anywhere - you can get much friendlier people.
Friends in "the land of the free" is nearly an eliminated concept. They are replaced by fake social calendar and fakebook pics.
You still get spots if you are in the deep country, maybe. But in places like California, you better watch your back)
Starts with school when you every year toss every kid into a different class (claiming the reason is bullies, while THE REAL reason is to make kids have no friends).
Keep your best friends around (the ones that stood by you in bad times) , this is your one hope to not lose it)
Family is great too, if it's a positively energized group. I still learn much from my dad.
It almost feels like what you said too though... that the groups of different people that were badly separated by STS are starting to... sense it, I guess. People realize now money is not the only objective, happiness and Love are priceless.
Because... you can't really pretend to be # 14 on Happiness in the world (as a country) , while being at #140 or so, and for people not to notice that something doesn't add up. Some croc ate the Sun
I agree America is an epicenter of operations for the negative elite here on Earth. I have spent my entire life coming out of slumber. When I was around 18 years old, I became very aquainted with U.S.A's deep corruption. Up to that point I was severely against any form of authority, and would always be the silent rogue. Pretending to be one of the people in the fabric of this society. However I truly never was. I always knew something wasnt quite right. In that period, of when I was around 18, was my conspiracy theory years, and I spent much time going down the bunny hole. I know most of these theories arent 100 percent real, but a lot of them are "inspired", or navigate around the truth. To me it came down to finally understanding that I didnt nees to know every specific detail to understand, that wasnt my picnic, and my pirate ship is headed for different waters.
During this phase I started to do my own form of research based on my own experiences, and knowledge garnished to that point. Everywhere I looked, and looked into, I could see on every level how our society is being manipulated. From the soles on your feet, to the health "industry...". Ebery single level of society had been infilitrated and somehow bamboozled into detrimental undertakings, and almost everyone believes in these principles. Such as using flouridated toothpaste, and even push it onto others as a requirement. After much research and wondering how...?? It came full frontal that yes, this conspiracy or enterprise against us, is actually that large, and has been going on for untold amount of time. That they were having slaves, gather more slaves up.
Literally every "institution" of USA is in someway attacking the populace, and enforcing policies that are detrimental. With enslaved humans doing the bidding, as if it's an necessary requirement of and for the socueties benefit...
Beyond that I came to bust this s*** up. Always known that since I was young. I came to tear this s*** down. To stand up to the "authority" imposing this bullshit, and to never surrender but to Love. I am also not talking about fighting or war, but a battle of wills, of principalities.