02-08-2019, 12:25 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-08-2019, 12:35 PM by Infinite Unity.)
(06-15-2011, 02:26 PM)Horishi Wrote: Hello I'm seeking help and advice. There is blue ray energy center blockage as its causing me a lot of problems and distress. Can anyone give me some techniques or exercises to help me open my blue ray energy center? This seems to be a major energy center I'm struggling with. Thank you so much!
A large amount of instances of blue ray blockage is not independently just blue ray. Blue ray blockage a lot of the time is interconnected with one or more other centers.
In my opinion the first step is declaring honesty and "transparency" with the creation and others around you. Apart of being able to fully do this is acceptance of the self, on an orange to yellow ray. As well as having the wisdom of knowing your Infinite worth(indigo). However just setting your Will to being comoletely honest with your self, the creation, and others. Has alot of impact on polarity, and the ability to do work in consciousness.
When we are planning out a scenario, or how to subvert others. We are doing so from an platform of blockage in blue, that interconnects with other centers. See blockages are interconnected with the shadow self, and subvert and effect your Will. It could be empirically stated that blockages would seem to have an conscience of its own. These are not benign blocks in your energy flow. These are mentalities that feed off and want to continue to feed of your energy flow. Thats why it us not a simple thing to do. It takes real will and drive to actually for real heal these blockages.
In my opinion blockages are thought-forms, that can "Learn", grow and replicate to an extent. In my personal opinion they are almost chakras in reverse. We're the gravitic mass of the shadow self is most centered, and functions from.
In my opinion The Shadow self is an important part to creating the conscience and subconscious separation in mind. The Shadow self is algomation or representation echo between the conscience and subconscious mind. Notice I did not say it is the subconscious. Rather it is an echo, or found between the "gap" of knowing between the conscious and subconscious.