01-30-2019, 01:25 PM
(01-29-2019, 10:17 PM)Glow Wrote: There is a lot of good in the Bible mixed with the bad. A lot of the dietary and other covenants have health benifit. Pork for instance having one of the more difficult parasites to kill by cooking might have just been better off avoided in those times without refrigeration and less understanding of killing bacteria and parasites.
Other info about using separate cuttlery for meat ect seems more like the all knowing mom in the sky helping you avoid food poisoning via cross contamination.
As to curcumsision I am not a male but I can say I have suffered greatly over the years from bladder infections that would have killed me many times over in older times when I was with a man who was uncircumcisrd but clean. I actually was given antibiotics to take every time we had sex after enough of them as it was standard procedure. Think of a less hygienic time, less bathing, no antibiotics. The foreskin is a warm damp place perfect for bacteria growth.
Comparison never had one bladder infection with a circumcised partner.
Not one. And sometime it was hot sweaty sex...
So to go with the dietary Mom advice above I see at least from my experience that it would have saved many women’s lives in a time without antibiotics and if you want a “chosen people” to flourish and go forth and multiply ensuring the women baring them have decreased risk of dying(yes it can kill you as it goes to your kidneys) would actually be helpful to increasing live births.
I don't really dislike the bible and have read the new testament a few times and most of the old one with certain books more than once. I also knew that the condemned meat were also linked to epedemics and such.
Doesn't really touch the point I made of inducing a deep trauma upon a new born, when they are at their most vulnerable, and that this holds the potential to have an effect on their life. Otherwise, it was that Judaism has a clear elitist view and that circumcision may have been used as a tool to create tendencies toward the STS path through creating a deep trauma in the vulnerable self of their children. We often speak that an insult can have rooted a trauma in a kid and that this needs to be processed in an unpleasant manner even in adulthood. I don't claim to know how it feels like for a child to be brought by their parents to experience circumcision in a pure confused state that understands nothing of the situation, but it's probably much worse than most other things that also create trauma in children and so can have a deep effect upon their path in life.