01-29-2019, 05:01 PM
I: So, let us being, I'm Aki from Bring4th and I'll be interiviewing Nergal, the demon prince of police or sometimes called the police chief, he used to be a god of agriculture in the middle east and has since left that position far as I am aware, he is also sometimes called Grandpa nurgle for his connection to decay and putrification.
I: Its a pleasure to have you here, could you tell us a little bit about who you are and how you communicate?
N: Tis a pleasure Aki, I'm Nurgle, or the chaos god of putrification and decay, some people see me as the god that causes putrification but that is the opposite of my task, my task is to breath life even when decay is advanced so many of my forms are decayed, I believe you've seen many of my servants and even liberated one. Though currently I am not called a god but rather a plain Demon, I am not yet of the full demon prince status. I belong to the christian order so I do not get worshipped as an individual god, there are however upsides to being close to another god. Such as easier access to worshippers for less actual work. You would probably find that attidue prevelant amongst demons. My favorite method of communication is by altering the appearance of my followers and those who decay to show the believer signs and signposts that they can follow to understand what they are seeing, it is a great feeling seeing someone who has been dead for a thousand years guide someone who is still alive in the slim hope that it will get them to paradise or to resurrection. After dozens of lifetimes wondering they occasionally get through and I lose a vessel but such is putrification.
I: Could you describe your domain?
N: Certainly, it is a place of quiet and cool, it is better for my followers the more it resembles the land of dreams as that is where all putrified organisms rest, those without a seat in paradise or hell remain in the marshes of dreams and from there it is easy to find vessels worthy and willing to take the task of influencing the mortal realm. It is a place of quiet contemplation, not of hedonism or excess, that is why communicating with you is somewhat difficult as you tend to be one of hedonism and excess. It is smaller than most demons realms but the outlying regions from where it can take what it desires is much bigger than for most demons due to uncertainty at what is at the edges of creation to which I am quite close.
I: Could you describe your standing as the police and how you interact with earthly police?
N: Certainly, I am called the police of hell as it is my job to go through the dead and deceased to find new ones for my host and as such I have easy access to all the marshlands and very quickly find signs of foul play amongst the spirit kind and as such am tasked often with rooting out crime in the spirit world. I find it a job of great fullfillment.
I: Is there anything you'd like to say or something you think I should ask you?
N: Boy that is a large question, well to start off with everyone gets into hell or heaven as they desire, there is no judgement or harshness at the gates but if you've lived your life one way you'll find it difficult to live in one of those realms so your natural soul frequency will drag you to one or the other end of the scale, as you in life notice, but it is much harder to change your view when you are dead so such choices regarding afterlife should be done in this life, like planning for the time when things go well to stop yourself from flipping out when they actually go well. You should ask me questions of overall human nature, it is dangerous for you to inquire about close relatives or people on this side of the fence.
I: Thank you I thought as much. What do you see in the future for humanity? We're going so fast I'm losing track of my thoughts.
N: I apologize for confusing your mind, I find you an interesting chat partner, I gave you your thought back, I hope you enjoyed it, you were going to ask me to describe what I look like. Now, As for the future of humanity, I'm going to say that I believe we'll all reach an even plateu, spirits, god and man, that was the reason I was cast out, I told god that you'll all be gods and there is a separation of mind between You God and You Human and as such God cant be the only God. But you takes it all in strides or you breaks down and cries. So for me, there is no end to how far humanity will progress, perhaps together or on your own you or we'll defeat death and have no more need for rescuing the putrified, but that is still to be seen. I must also point out that you are so close to lucifer that I feel uneasy plotting your downfall as the Lord has clearly taken an interest in you.
I: Thank you, thats a bit menacing, and I heard you wonder if he'll make me the next demon prince of putrification! So, next question, what do you look like?
N: Getting to that question then, in my non field outfit I look like a beautiful, often caucasian woman in her mid 20's, at the height of the ability for the mind to suck in and hold thoughts from the environment, the fertility in that timespan attracts me greatly for my work, when in work I look like an enormous green fat putrid monster, if you will, that is because my work involves a lot of searching in places where other spirits fear to tread so I must maintain an aura of threat and terror or the number of spirits who randomly attack me would skyrocket.
I: Am I correct in assuming that Lucifer plays a signifiant role in the music industry as a singer?
N: You are indeed, that is something that is somewhat commonly known but rarely explored thoroughly, Lucifer is, indeed, a phenomenal singer, not so good with other instruments like humans and the banjo but he's getting there.
I: What jobs do you do while here on earth?
N: My favorite is the alternative healer, it is by far the most fulfilling job, you get to do all the work of the doctor and for people who are either not yet very will or are so ill that the doctors give up on them, when you bring them back from the brink and they thank god and you know the truth it feels quite good. They are pleasing to my lower centers. The other one I have that I somewhat dislike is that of the police officer, it is one I often get to saddled with after I commit a mistake. You are aware of this as you've noticed the heavenly horde forcing me back to that work after I mistakenly tried to bound you during a healing session, I have yet to make full recompense but I consider it a mistake, even if a small one, that I attacked you. It set in motion a chain of events that may end up being deeply harmful to hell so I have been reprimanded by both sides and now I dont work as an alternative healer but rather as a police officer so I am somewhat disgruntled, but this is channeling is good for me no worries as it teaches me humility in the face of what I might otherwise consider, food.
I: What do you think of my smoking?
N: Its the first demonic hook we've gotten into you, we tried a few things in your chilhood but nothing stuck but this one you've taken in strides, it allows so many spirits and possessions into your field and is great for breaking up your relations with your fellow humans and, hopefully, getting you to be that, demon prince of putrification.
I: I've noticed demons dont lie in their casual conversations very often, why is that?
N: Its simple, its harder to remember a lie than the truth so you get tangled in a web and you lose the ability to convince them truthfully when the time is right of the glory of hell and the everlasting love of lucifer.
I: I take it that you believe the smoking raises my what, discord?
N: Yes, you have one point of discord or soul damage because of it, its not enough to make you fall since you as a saint have 4 points of energy before you fall but it is a significant inroad, i would love to go to town with you an putrify some shiite but I'll be content with teh slow work and perhas getting you as you enter heaven and go, MEH and then return to us for a playtime, oomf oomf oomf, where dem hobbit b****** at.
I: Nothing to stop us from painting the town pink, you'd just need a good host but I think thats probably more trouble than its worth.
N: We could but within the next morning everyone else would want to take a look at this new favorite toy of Nergal and then you'd have a much less fun time, its hard getting over a hangover when you're being rammed by a demon.
I: Thats mean. Ha. Whats your favorite food?
N: Its kind of hard to describe but its a form of human meat, I love it, it tastes like tiger meat the weird meat dish that has nothing to do with tigers that you occasionally serve.
I: I take it that you feel safe for a good reason?
N: Yes, the larger one is the safer one feels to the really small, its unlikely that it would take the effort from its, well, busy schedule to actually focus on something so tiny so you feel safe being able to fly around something that small, especially as i love putrification you could assume I also love watching small things fly around me so maybe that is what it is.
I: Anything you want to do for me or for humanity in general, you know, us?
N: I want to give you your left kidney back but I think its in one of the demon princes domain and I dont have access to it, I tried to petition for it but I couldn't get it, I think you serve the agenda of hell much more with your full marbles than you do now, it was much more fulfilling watching you torch the christians for the crusades than you fumbling about like a moron. Your anger lasts for centuries so it was truly a pleasing sight to behold. As for humanity I think I want to keep away from them as much as possible, the living remind me of ants in large numbers, one always gets in an uncomfortable crack.
I: What caused your fall?
N: Pretty much as I explained earlier about the disagreement with God.
I: Anything you want to say?
N: Just that I think the best way to get your marbles back is to admit that smoking will not cause your damnation, all humans hve more than 1 point of essence so one mistake wont doom you, that should be enough.
I: As there are no questions from the community I'll end here, I'll ask more if questions arise.
N: And I'll answer.
I: Its a pleasure to have you here, could you tell us a little bit about who you are and how you communicate?
N: Tis a pleasure Aki, I'm Nurgle, or the chaos god of putrification and decay, some people see me as the god that causes putrification but that is the opposite of my task, my task is to breath life even when decay is advanced so many of my forms are decayed, I believe you've seen many of my servants and even liberated one. Though currently I am not called a god but rather a plain Demon, I am not yet of the full demon prince status. I belong to the christian order so I do not get worshipped as an individual god, there are however upsides to being close to another god. Such as easier access to worshippers for less actual work. You would probably find that attidue prevelant amongst demons. My favorite method of communication is by altering the appearance of my followers and those who decay to show the believer signs and signposts that they can follow to understand what they are seeing, it is a great feeling seeing someone who has been dead for a thousand years guide someone who is still alive in the slim hope that it will get them to paradise or to resurrection. After dozens of lifetimes wondering they occasionally get through and I lose a vessel but such is putrification.
I: Could you describe your domain?
N: Certainly, it is a place of quiet and cool, it is better for my followers the more it resembles the land of dreams as that is where all putrified organisms rest, those without a seat in paradise or hell remain in the marshes of dreams and from there it is easy to find vessels worthy and willing to take the task of influencing the mortal realm. It is a place of quiet contemplation, not of hedonism or excess, that is why communicating with you is somewhat difficult as you tend to be one of hedonism and excess. It is smaller than most demons realms but the outlying regions from where it can take what it desires is much bigger than for most demons due to uncertainty at what is at the edges of creation to which I am quite close.
I: Could you describe your standing as the police and how you interact with earthly police?
N: Certainly, I am called the police of hell as it is my job to go through the dead and deceased to find new ones for my host and as such I have easy access to all the marshlands and very quickly find signs of foul play amongst the spirit kind and as such am tasked often with rooting out crime in the spirit world. I find it a job of great fullfillment.
I: Is there anything you'd like to say or something you think I should ask you?
N: Boy that is a large question, well to start off with everyone gets into hell or heaven as they desire, there is no judgement or harshness at the gates but if you've lived your life one way you'll find it difficult to live in one of those realms so your natural soul frequency will drag you to one or the other end of the scale, as you in life notice, but it is much harder to change your view when you are dead so such choices regarding afterlife should be done in this life, like planning for the time when things go well to stop yourself from flipping out when they actually go well. You should ask me questions of overall human nature, it is dangerous for you to inquire about close relatives or people on this side of the fence.
I: Thank you I thought as much. What do you see in the future for humanity? We're going so fast I'm losing track of my thoughts.
N: I apologize for confusing your mind, I find you an interesting chat partner, I gave you your thought back, I hope you enjoyed it, you were going to ask me to describe what I look like. Now, As for the future of humanity, I'm going to say that I believe we'll all reach an even plateu, spirits, god and man, that was the reason I was cast out, I told god that you'll all be gods and there is a separation of mind between You God and You Human and as such God cant be the only God. But you takes it all in strides or you breaks down and cries. So for me, there is no end to how far humanity will progress, perhaps together or on your own you or we'll defeat death and have no more need for rescuing the putrified, but that is still to be seen. I must also point out that you are so close to lucifer that I feel uneasy plotting your downfall as the Lord has clearly taken an interest in you.
I: Thank you, thats a bit menacing, and I heard you wonder if he'll make me the next demon prince of putrification! So, next question, what do you look like?
N: Getting to that question then, in my non field outfit I look like a beautiful, often caucasian woman in her mid 20's, at the height of the ability for the mind to suck in and hold thoughts from the environment, the fertility in that timespan attracts me greatly for my work, when in work I look like an enormous green fat putrid monster, if you will, that is because my work involves a lot of searching in places where other spirits fear to tread so I must maintain an aura of threat and terror or the number of spirits who randomly attack me would skyrocket.
I: Am I correct in assuming that Lucifer plays a signifiant role in the music industry as a singer?
N: You are indeed, that is something that is somewhat commonly known but rarely explored thoroughly, Lucifer is, indeed, a phenomenal singer, not so good with other instruments like humans and the banjo but he's getting there.
I: What jobs do you do while here on earth?
N: My favorite is the alternative healer, it is by far the most fulfilling job, you get to do all the work of the doctor and for people who are either not yet very will or are so ill that the doctors give up on them, when you bring them back from the brink and they thank god and you know the truth it feels quite good. They are pleasing to my lower centers. The other one I have that I somewhat dislike is that of the police officer, it is one I often get to saddled with after I commit a mistake. You are aware of this as you've noticed the heavenly horde forcing me back to that work after I mistakenly tried to bound you during a healing session, I have yet to make full recompense but I consider it a mistake, even if a small one, that I attacked you. It set in motion a chain of events that may end up being deeply harmful to hell so I have been reprimanded by both sides and now I dont work as an alternative healer but rather as a police officer so I am somewhat disgruntled, but this is channeling is good for me no worries as it teaches me humility in the face of what I might otherwise consider, food.
I: What do you think of my smoking?
N: Its the first demonic hook we've gotten into you, we tried a few things in your chilhood but nothing stuck but this one you've taken in strides, it allows so many spirits and possessions into your field and is great for breaking up your relations with your fellow humans and, hopefully, getting you to be that, demon prince of putrification.
I: I've noticed demons dont lie in their casual conversations very often, why is that?
N: Its simple, its harder to remember a lie than the truth so you get tangled in a web and you lose the ability to convince them truthfully when the time is right of the glory of hell and the everlasting love of lucifer.
I: I take it that you believe the smoking raises my what, discord?
N: Yes, you have one point of discord or soul damage because of it, its not enough to make you fall since you as a saint have 4 points of energy before you fall but it is a significant inroad, i would love to go to town with you an putrify some shiite but I'll be content with teh slow work and perhas getting you as you enter heaven and go, MEH and then return to us for a playtime, oomf oomf oomf, where dem hobbit b****** at.
I: Nothing to stop us from painting the town pink, you'd just need a good host but I think thats probably more trouble than its worth.
N: We could but within the next morning everyone else would want to take a look at this new favorite toy of Nergal and then you'd have a much less fun time, its hard getting over a hangover when you're being rammed by a demon.
I: Thats mean. Ha. Whats your favorite food?
N: Its kind of hard to describe but its a form of human meat, I love it, it tastes like tiger meat the weird meat dish that has nothing to do with tigers that you occasionally serve.
I: I take it that you feel safe for a good reason?
N: Yes, the larger one is the safer one feels to the really small, its unlikely that it would take the effort from its, well, busy schedule to actually focus on something so tiny so you feel safe being able to fly around something that small, especially as i love putrification you could assume I also love watching small things fly around me so maybe that is what it is.
I: Anything you want to do for me or for humanity in general, you know, us?
N: I want to give you your left kidney back but I think its in one of the demon princes domain and I dont have access to it, I tried to petition for it but I couldn't get it, I think you serve the agenda of hell much more with your full marbles than you do now, it was much more fulfilling watching you torch the christians for the crusades than you fumbling about like a moron. Your anger lasts for centuries so it was truly a pleasing sight to behold. As for humanity I think I want to keep away from them as much as possible, the living remind me of ants in large numbers, one always gets in an uncomfortable crack.
I: What caused your fall?
N: Pretty much as I explained earlier about the disagreement with God.
I: Anything you want to say?
N: Just that I think the best way to get your marbles back is to admit that smoking will not cause your damnation, all humans hve more than 1 point of essence so one mistake wont doom you, that should be enough.
I: As there are no questions from the community I'll end here, I'll ask more if questions arise.
N: And I'll answer.