01-28-2019, 02:55 PM
(01-28-2019, 10:58 AM)Spaced Wrote: I was considering playing EVE again (maybe with some telepathic prompting Mr. Cyan?). I haven't touched it in like, a year and a half though. I currently don't have my PC set up, I recently moved and have been putting it off since I've been enjoying time away from the computer monitor. Also I don't have a chair to sit on.
I might get back into once I have my s*** together though, but I may just use an alpha account as money is a bit tight at the moment.
Alphas for me too man, I have a 1 plex worth ship but I aint selling my glorious Alindra, its served me well enough to earn a place as "not bargainable", then we'd need some newbie with a salvager to run missions for us but we could do level 4's if we have 3 cruisers, that way we could make maybe 5 cents a day. *giggle* anyway, let me know if you get back, I'll be on EVE all evening today and most evenings afterwards.
Lol, EVEning.