01-22-2019, 02:40 PM
(01-22-2019, 01:31 AM)Minyatur Wrote: Well 4D is somewhat of a wisdom-lacking principle. But it has its place in things, making wisdom somewhat irrelevant in the heart of itself.
Yes, it does have its place in things. But it also has a tendency to become so self-absorbed in seeking the "heart of itself" that it can become deaf and blind to the larger infinities in which it lives, and moves, and has its being.
If this happens, it can become problematic. Because then portions of 4D may become "cut off" from its higher dimensional sources, and thus find itself in the awkward situation of having to cannibalize itself.
Of course- it doesn't quite perceive the self-cannibalization as such. It sees it more along the lines of, "Oh, well that was an unfortunate result. But I only had the best of intentions. Here... let me try again. I will try even harder next time."
This circular loop... it can and will also go on forever. The only way that a 4D entity can reconnect to a larger infinity is to remember that it exists, and then to decide that it no longer wishes to be caught in an endless loop. In other words, it has to say OK enough is enough. Because otherwise it has the "free will" to continue on- literally forever- in its current state, so should it continue to deem it necessary.
Quote:Well the law of free will dictates that you will know yourself. There is no actual concept of loss in where the truth of yourself is rooted.
You are that which has nothing to lose, because you are all there is.
Yes, but those other parts of me... the ones blasted apart in nuclear war... the ones who witnessed the destruction of their planet... the ones who have been brutally and mercilessly beaten, robbed, raped, and abused throughout all of this experience... they do not know themselves. And yet they are a part of "me" in that ultimate sense to which you refer.
In the ultimate sense, nothing is ever lost. But it also can "become lost" in the sense of being caught in an endless loop of self-cannibalization.
Quote:The way that I resonate to view my 3D incarnation is a form of shamanic journey, any outcome serves this purpose.
I'm curious to know... is yours a solitary path? Because I found it much easier to resonate to that view before I had a wife and child.
Quote:I think the perspective of the Logos is that It knows that those who have moved through It won't regret having been here, they're exactly where they want to be to become what they want to become.
I would tend to agree that appears to be its perspective. But the Solar Logos is also growing, yes? So that means it's perspective has no doubt changed for having had the whole experience. And if it hasn't changed, then what would have been the point of conducting such a radical experiment?
Quote:Tbh, I also feel like being done with pain and I think that's somewhat a thing with wanderers, they need to distill their own focus toward it. Because like you said, in this Universe there'll always be of everything.
Well, yes I would tend to agree. It seems that the wanderers came here hoping to make the burden a little lighter... again the idea was that there was too much suffering going on. It had gone too far and the humans were having extreme difficulties ending the programs of suffering, and turning things around for themselves, as was originally planned.
Thus, rather than actually resulting in speeding up the development of consciousness, it was having the actual effect of slowing it down.
At first, many entities of higher consciousness thought they could be of service by telepathically communicating various philosophies to the peoples of earth. But due to the so-called "Law of Confusion" imposed by the Solar Logos, for every philosophy hailing from the higher light- from the larger infinity- needed to be counterbalanced by an equal and opposite philosophy, in order to preserve the ability of the humans to make a "free-will choice" regarding the matter.
Well this seemed to have largely failed.
So then the wanderers... this somewhat ragtag group hailing primarily from 6D was all like... "Hey no problem. We'll just go down there and take some of this burden of suffering off the shoulders of the populace, and that will allow them to finally get a leg up on things and, ultimately, process the remaining unused catalyst."
But those wanderers also bore the risk of "getting caught up in the vibrations" vis a vis taking on too much of the vibrations of suffering, and becoming caught in the trap themselves.
What is the trap? What IF the trap is the philosophy that accelerated growth results from extreme suffering.
Again, just saying what if?
Quote:But then I move to a part of me that doesn't really like the idea of cotton candy everlasting peacefulness, there's a form of dullness to it that is nonsensical.
Yes! I definitely feel that I know what you mean. But sit with that energy for a while... why does it appear to be a choice between endless horrific suffering and some sort of eternal candyland existence? Why does it appear to be all or nothing?
Would 60/40 be acceptable? 90/10? 85/15? I think you know the answer... of course it would be acceptable. But for some reason there appears to be this force.. this will.. that is quite persistent in maintaining the "all or nothing" illusion about it.
Quote:I think you made the game and its levels, so you move from one level to another when you realize the limits of your need of a level and see beyond it.
But what if, in the process of making the game and its levels, I created an avatar of myself which also came to believe that IT made the game and its levels, and that it was making a game about "learning to love through suffering" when all along- back in the ACTUAL game- that had always been intended as merely one level of the game?