(01-21-2019, 08:44 PM)Tae Wrote: The mistake you're making is correlating the hour of the day with "dark forces". As a night owl this amuses me and I must remind you that it is your humble opinion. We are not a sun cult, it is not the sole source of our power and strength. Being servants of the light is not quite so literal, you are still thinking of light and darkness from the perspective of your physical body's perception. That our ancestors translated it to "worship the sun" is I believe their mistake in interpreting the information shared by forces of the light.
While I understand you answer and share your desire to help.
Can this be done during the day? Not exactly after midnight? If not , why not?
Quote:I perceive in fact, the moment of the eclipse as being the moment that the Earth overshadows the power of the moon, removing its distorted and reflected version of light from our reality for a moment, the illusion goes down. We, the forces of light, at that moment of weakness on the part of the moon (which I'm sure many in the metaphysics community agree is related to many lunar cults and has many things about it which make it suspicious), call upon connections not just to our sun, but to the core suns that all suns revolve around, and the source of All Life, which all galaxies revolve around, bringing that light through all windows to blast and wrap itself around the Earth, lovingly reaching out to the darkness on the surface of the planet and offering it a chance to ride .....
What I was witnessing on several other occasions... is that some dark forces are or WHERE directly connected to our Moon.
I've even seen someone in a meditation (video, not directly) point out that it is entirely possible our TRUE leadership (the one above our current public figures) is related to .... let's say the Moon.
Quote:I received one crystal clear message in the depths of my meditation, when in that depths I had the same fear reaction as you and I asked, "but is this an act of darkness masquerading as one of the light?", and I will share the response with you and for all.
I would be very curious to know how do you know you are being communicated by the light and not dark forces. Are you double checking periodically? Do you know their name(s)?
Quote:It was, "Do not be afraid of what you are becoming."
There will always be forces in opposition, and you have no control over them and what they are doing, only you and what you are doing. Doing a work which you have set your intent to be good and loving at the "wrong time of the day" and thereby having it become a work of the darkness is well, allowing fear to take away from your power as a servant of the light. Do not be afraid. Set your intent, polarize strongly, and your aim will be true.
Fear not.
Thanks! So as long as there's good loving intentions.