I approach prayer as a conversation with my loving Father, the Logos. This Universe and I are His idea and creation; it's as if He planted this fascinating, truly miraculous garden, and I mostly reach out to Him with love, and to ask Him to enable me to help him tend this garden.
There are entities who see the majesty, harmony and beauty of the original design and layout - everything that would please the eye and gladden the heart; and there are also entities who want to carve their initials into the trees and leave garbage on the grounds. That is as it must be, but when I speak to the Father, I express a heartfelt wish to be part of the former group, to help Him with this incredible project. I ask that by the time this life has run out, that there be nothing that I have to offer that is left unoffered to this place.
There are entities who see the majesty, harmony and beauty of the original design and layout - everything that would please the eye and gladden the heart; and there are also entities who want to carve their initials into the trees and leave garbage on the grounds. That is as it must be, but when I speak to the Father, I express a heartfelt wish to be part of the former group, to help Him with this incredible project. I ask that by the time this life has run out, that there be nothing that I have to offer that is left unoffered to this place.