(08-29-2017, 02:29 PM)APeacefulWarrior Wrote: Personally, I think there are advantages to capitalism in the big picture - particularly global capitalism - which aren't discussed too often. (And problems in the small scale can often be mitigated through regulation, consumer protection, and social safety nets.) The more closely tied-together countries' economies are, the less likely they are to go to war because it would simply be too unprofitable.
I mean, as a simple example, look at the US and China
I'll just leave it here.
This quick, 2.5 min cartoon, explains what monopolistic capitalists are REALLY doing , while they are BS-ing everyone into believing they are "for better mouse traps".
It is based on the book "Confessions of Economic Hitmen" (there's videos of this: here's the youtube video short version, or long version)
After hundreds of millions of people dead and starving , there should be laws against such capitalism.
Economic Hitmen Cartoon [HD]