01-02-2019, 01:10 AM
(01-01-2019, 07:18 AM)Quan Wrote: The Daily Q'uote for January 1, 2019
"…See yourselves as warriors for light and truth, let yourself become fierce. Do not be afraid to gaze at the murderer within, the liar within, the adulterer within, the lazy person within, or whatever other distortion hits your attention with all of the power of a harsh wind or a severe rain. Stand in the wind, glory in the rain, and give thanks.
When you are giving thanks for this catalyst, you are releasing from yourself pride and pretension. You are emptying your mental pockets of all of the tools that you have in the everyday world that are supposed to fix things. You empty yourself of these tools because that which is hitting you is not to be dealt with from the level of third density. It is to be dealt with from the level of fourth density. There is no concern as to what this means, my friends, for you have heard it many, many times, in many different ways. You are love. You are light. You are all that there is. You are not going anywhere. You are never at risk."