(12-24-2010, 04:06 AM)unity100 Wrote: that is the current planetary society's perception of things. ironically it ranks entities so that, the current dominant species, itself, stays on top of the pile, conveniently.
it doesnt need mentioning that a whopping amount of perceptions of this planetary society regarding consciousness and existence, do not hold. and continually changing.
cetaceans distinguish in between entities. they are able to distinguish a human from another entity. moreover, they are able to distinguish a human in distress, from a human that is not in distress.
dolphins do not go about rescuing people who are swimming leisurely at sea. but, the cases of dolphins rescuing drowning people are numerous in history.
even humans are not able to perceive such distress in the middle of a city on average.
the whales who are able to attack and eat anything at sea, do not attack humans.
it can be expanded into various other branches of examination. but, these are sufficient indicators to an EQ that even surpasses humans.
its just a body. body is dependent on the choice of the logos and the chemicals available within the planet, as Ra tells us. moreover, they say this is a moment's choice by the logos and can change.
Great points.
(12-24-2010, 05:25 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: I only disagreed. Not all disagreeing is a catalyst, perhaps you feel it that way, but it isn't to me. Think about that. Why do you see what I do not see? Because it is in you?
The language used implied non-acceptance; "you can't think like that can you?" is a predominantly negatively phrased statement. As an example, an accepting, positive reply would have been "An interesting perspective!". Language does indeed imply, by nature, subjective understanding.
Quote:Fruit yes, everything else, including vegetables... No... Potatos actually developed poisoned leaves to defend themselves. Clearly they are designed to not be eaten? So eating potatoes is an STS act?
You're missing the point brother. Again, we go back to context.
Eating a vegetable to survive is an entirely different context/circumstance to choosing to unnecessarily kill another life.
Quote:Gaia is a savage garden, beautiful but brutal. Not STS or STO, just precisely what she is. No obligations, no promises, and a promise of uncertainty. Gaia is Gaia, a rock is a rock, a tiger is a tiger, and I am Me. Not STS or STO...
If I were angelic, free from all sins like a new born baby I would not survive here one day on my own without a dark guardian. One who is covered in the dirt and blood of the earth and intent on keeping me alive. You have to be in tune with the earth to survive here. Our ancestors knew this. They understood the giving and taking. And they were healthy and happy. Your body understands too by the way... Why do you have two of most organs? Because you were "designed to get damaged"...
Here we have different personal truths. Second density, and those who choose in third density is brutal. Gaia isn't. It's part of the evolutionary process. Gaia provides the elements needed for experience. She can shrug us off, but it would be a considerable assumption to think she does that on a whim. It's more likely to be linked to a cosmic cycle.
Quote:That is the game too. We in our western world are too much locked up in our ivory towers. Presuming we know all there is to know. You never were chased by a tiger. It's easy to see nobility in a tiger if it's not your skin on the line. You probably never killed an animal with your bare hands overjoyed in the realization that this means your kids are going to live.
Your assumption limited in the fact it references only a single lifetime. In my personal understanding, the soul is infinite, I would imagine I have experienced much pain, death, survival and bliss over a multitude of lifetimes. As has everybody. Yet we've incarnated in our specific circumstances for a specific reason. The lessons of survival have been learnt, to a degree. They would have to be if one is a Wanderer. In this lifetime, which just happens to 'coincide' with 2012, many Wanderers are here to offer love and light. That can include the gratitude for the divine spirit in all beings, and all matter.
Quote:It is simply not realistic or in tune with nature to suggest that Peregrinus would have acted more STO by not killing the bedbugs that were tormenting his daughter. To me that indicates that perhaps we're becoming too removed from actual reality... Too caught up in the cloudy whispy visions we see in our ivory towers.
You have formulated that notion in your imagination, I did not imply that brother. Did you not read my post about choosing to remove a wasps nest? I think you are misinterpreting my opinion.
Just to be sure, I will re-iterate my point. Polarisation towards STO includes life in all densities, not just humans. We each choose to label aspects of life more valuable than others; i.e. what is acceptable to kill and what is not. We each have the right to choose our own path, and it all counts. All is perfect for each person.
Peace, brothers and sisters :¬)