(11-29-2018, 03:53 AM)blossom Wrote: I will try, but I don't know what a spirit guide or guardian angel is. I understand the concept, but can't wrap my head around it faithfully. Like, there's an entity who's dedicated to help me? It feels selfish to me so I can't imagine it being true.
Interesting way to look at it!

I was never fully okay with the idea of any being that's not the way rest of the creator is! Those that don't evolve and are angelic helpers or sth.
If they do exist though, then faith may be needed.. otherwise they would still feel like infringing. (Correct me if I'm wrong plz)
I usually contact my own higherself. and when I want to help another being, I ask her/his own higherself.
Maybe you could try asking the real Yahweh for help in this.''Yod Heh Shin Vau Heh'' is the new name if I remember correctly.
Ra said the entity feels responsible for earthlings.
My other suggestion is some sort of sacred water in nature to fully place yourself in. we have these kind of waters in some places here.. people believe they are of healing/cleansing quality.
Anyways, may you find peace.