11-14-2018, 10:50 AM
From Q'uo;
Quote:The spirit is that which is one with all of the Creation—it is the same as the One Creator, the holographic portion of the same creative force which has made all that there is. You have asked this day how you may use this spirit, this mind, and this body, in a smoothly functioning fashion in order to promote your own journeys of seeking the truth in the positive polarity, that which seeks to serve others, that which is radiant, that which gives of itself to all who ask, and whose very being radiates those qualities of love, of light, of unity, of joy, about which you have queried this day.
Thus, each soul begins with a portion of the One Creator as his guiding star, that which leads the way through the third-density darkness that must be experienced as you move through the veil of forgetting, that veil which that allows you to forget that you are one with all, that love made you all, that light guides you all. Outside the third-density illusion these qualities are quite readily apparent and learning takes place at a much slower pace because there is no doubt concerning these qualities. However, within your illusion, it takes a great deal of what you call faith, of hope, of motivation, of inspiration to continue upon the path of seeking; for as you know, understanding is not of the third-density illusion, you cannot prove what you are doing to anyone else; however, to yourself, that still small voice within (that some call intuition, or some the voice of God), will lead you forward if you but feed it your desire and your will, and continue in a daily fashion to practice those rituals, you might say, of prayer, of contemplation and of meditation; to speak to the Creator and to listen to the Creator and to see the Creator everywhere.
So each of you begin with the spirit, you as a soul. You then have a mind which begins the process of thinking, of conceptualizing, of visualizing, of contemplating that which you are, that from which you come, that towards which you move. This mind then, takes upon itself the role of a kind of an administrator, shall we say, heading the corporation of your mind/body/spirit complex, and yet the mind by itself, even powered by the spirit, has no ability to move within your third density illusion. It would be simply an ephemeral thing with no real consequence or ability to achieve, work, or move along the path of the evolutionary process, for this work it needs the body.
Thus, the mind creates the body. The body is the creature of the mind. The body then allows the mind to move within your illusion—to have its being made manifest within the third density so that work may be done in consciousness; that you may make the choice of how you shall polarize or continue your movement once you become consciously aware that such is possible and, indeed, such is necessary in order to move upon your spiritual journey. The body allows the mind to speak through the mouth, the lips, the tongue, the teeth; words may be formed, thoughts may be translated into words which may be shared with others. The creation of words, then, becomes the putting of power into form, into concept, into image, putting these images together in letters forming words and the words sentences, and so forth, until you are able to express that which you feel, that which you think, that which you are, that which you desire, that towards which you move.