12-22-2010, 08:51 AM
I resonate with most of what is being said here. Right now I tend to be bouncing between extremes. I'll be horribly dark and depressed one moment, and bouncing on a cloud of light the next. Different emotions seem to bombard me at random, with little stimulus to provoke them. Someone could punch me in the face one minute and I'll be all okay with it and love them, then I see a piece of trash on the ground and freak out, yelling "$%#@ litterbugs!!!!!" It really feels like being caught up in a whirlwind. At times I've felt like I'm ready to just join the dark side, then ten minutes later I'm dancing around singing because I'm so happy. Seeing how I've already been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, I suppose everyone just thinks I'm off my chair. I am wondering if all the new energy coming in could actually be messing with the chemicals in our brains, causing the mood swings? Just a thought.
One thing I have learned in my experience is that the more you think about how stupid and ignorant people are, the more stupid and ignorant people that you meet. You attract to yourself what you think about. Just yesterday I was sitting in my car at the post office and a lady came up and asked if I could jump her car because her battery was dead. I obliged her and told her "we all have to help each other out." Her smile made my day. Then I encountered no line at the post office, even though it's usually out the door this time of year, and the lady who mailed my package was very friendly to me, wishing me a merry christmas. When I was pulling out, somebody stopped to let me in traffic. I quickly found a parking spot at the mall, even though it was packed with christmas rush. I got my food very quickly- service was great. People I didn't even know smiled and said hi to me. I felt really good. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but I honestly think a single act of kindness changed my day for the better. Basically the only conclusion I can come to is that it really does start with one. Be the change, and others will follow.
One thing I have learned in my experience is that the more you think about how stupid and ignorant people are, the more stupid and ignorant people that you meet. You attract to yourself what you think about. Just yesterday I was sitting in my car at the post office and a lady came up and asked if I could jump her car because her battery was dead. I obliged her and told her "we all have to help each other out." Her smile made my day. Then I encountered no line at the post office, even though it's usually out the door this time of year, and the lady who mailed my package was very friendly to me, wishing me a merry christmas. When I was pulling out, somebody stopped to let me in traffic. I quickly found a parking spot at the mall, even though it was packed with christmas rush. I got my food very quickly- service was great. People I didn't even know smiled and said hi to me. I felt really good. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but I honestly think a single act of kindness changed my day for the better. Basically the only conclusion I can come to is that it really does start with one. Be the change, and others will follow.