11-01-2018, 11:10 AM
Agua's right that this place is a bit too theoretical. I look at all of this and I see s*** I really, at best, can understand in my head.
Indigo, do you really get what the hell any of this actually means? I mean, truly GET it? Because TBH a lot of it is stuff I struggle to grasp and what I do "get" seems to be pretty distorted and intellectual when I get it.
I'm beginning to get what Agua's saying about needing to try and just be present in the here and now. Doesn't mean this place is bad with all this theory, but I think those of us who don't yet get it, aren't really gonna get it by just sitting around talking about it.
Question is, what do we DO about it?
I'm working on Agua's presence exercises.
I remember Hatonn saying meditation is the key.
I think maybe if we meditate enough and build our presence in this world, we'll grasp a lot more than a thousand posts could have taught us.
I'm working on the walking meditation and using an app called Headspace to do guided meditations. It seems to be helping.
Also, when I sleep, I listen to Quadible Integrity's Love energy binaural on a loop.
I hope these suggestions help you (and I hope they do enough to help me, for that matter. I'm also working on building resources. Can't hurt to work on the aspects of LIVING LIFE one benefits from focusing on)
Once I come up with a good sovereignty declaration, I'll share it and see if that helps.
But I think mediation and LIVING LIFE will teach us more than posting a lot on this forum.
Don't worry about this question. I don't think getting it in your head will be truly getting it anyway. I sure don't find much relief in all this heady understanding anyway.
Try doing some of those exercises and just see if they help you get clarity.
Indigo, do you really get what the hell any of this actually means? I mean, truly GET it? Because TBH a lot of it is stuff I struggle to grasp and what I do "get" seems to be pretty distorted and intellectual when I get it.
I'm beginning to get what Agua's saying about needing to try and just be present in the here and now. Doesn't mean this place is bad with all this theory, but I think those of us who don't yet get it, aren't really gonna get it by just sitting around talking about it.
Question is, what do we DO about it?
I'm working on Agua's presence exercises.
I remember Hatonn saying meditation is the key.
I think maybe if we meditate enough and build our presence in this world, we'll grasp a lot more than a thousand posts could have taught us.
I'm working on the walking meditation and using an app called Headspace to do guided meditations. It seems to be helping.
Also, when I sleep, I listen to Quadible Integrity's Love energy binaural on a loop.
I hope these suggestions help you (and I hope they do enough to help me, for that matter. I'm also working on building resources. Can't hurt to work on the aspects of LIVING LIFE one benefits from focusing on)
Once I come up with a good sovereignty declaration, I'll share it and see if that helps.
But I think mediation and LIVING LIFE will teach us more than posting a lot on this forum.
Don't worry about this question. I don't think getting it in your head will be truly getting it anyway. I sure don't find much relief in all this heady understanding anyway.
Try doing some of those exercises and just see if they help you get clarity.