10-28-2018, 08:19 PM
(10-28-2018, 10:35 AM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: Huh. Well, I'm not aware of any contracts made, so I'm pretty sure I can cut them.
Bank account, credit card, google et al terms of service..
Then there's government contracts - social security, birth certificate, marriage license (if you are married), car registration, driver's license, voter registration. Every single one is a deceptive contract that you willfully entered into.
How do you think the government can legally confiscate the vehicle of someone suspected of a drug offense? The US Constitution still exists. How can they get away with that? Did you ever actually own your car? Your house? Your land? Yourself?
Why is the government a party to the marriage contract? The preacher said "By the powers vested in me by the state of xxxxxxx, I now pronounce you man and wife? Isn't marriage a covenant between you, your partner, and the Creator? So why is the government involved?
Do you want to understand the problem and how deep it goes?