10-28-2018, 04:33 PM
(10-26-2018, 08:18 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: Say from the heart these words:
I, as this unique expression of The One and Infinite Creator, am in this ever-present moment of now, establishing a conscious connection with my DNA and my higher self.
As a being of The Now, for the express purpose of remedy and resolve, I, as this unique expression of The One and Infinite Creator, lovingly repair my DNA, and my energetic system, as well as lovingly heal the trunk of my mind, by cutting all cords with all hierarchical systems of domination and control.
As well, I, as this unique expression of The One and Infinite Creator, revoke and renounce each and all commitments of fidelity, vows, agreements and/or contracts of association which no longer serve for my higher purpose, made in this life, past lives, parallel lives, in all dimensions, periods of time, and locations.
I, as this unique expression of The One and Infinite Creator, now order all entities (who are linked to these contracts, organizations and associations which I, as this unique expression of The One and Infinite Creator, am now renouncing) to cease and give up, and to abandon my energy field, now and forever and retroactively, taking with them their gimmicks, devices, and sown energies.
I, as this unique expression of The One and Infinite Creator, declare this forward and retroactively.
I, as this unique expression of The One and Infinite Creator, deny all other-selves the right to lock me into a state of non-sovereignty.
I, as this unique expression of The One and Infinite Creator, deny all other-selves the right to drain me.
I, as this unique expression of The One and Infinite Creator, deny all other-selves the right to harvest my energy.
I, as this unique expression of The One and Infinite Creator, deny all other-selves the right to infringe upon my free will.
I, as this unique expression of The One and Infinite Creator, deny all other-selves the right to trick me into negative time/space.
I, as this unique expression of The One and Infinite Creator, declare my rights as this unique expression of The One and Infinite Creator and as a being in all time-streams, dimensions, galaxies, layers, levels, every past, every future, every reality and this co-creative now moment.
I, as this unique expression of The One and Infinite Creator, choose to remain in positive time-space all the way through to mid-sixth density, safely, in all time-streams, dimensions, galaxies, layers, levels, every past, every future, every reality and this co-creative now moment.
I, as this unique expression of The One and Infinite Creator, choose to do so in confidence.
I, as this unique expression of The One and Infinite Creator, choose to maintain positive polarity all the way until mid-sixth density, safely and in confidence, in all time-streams, dimensions, galaxies, layers, levels, every past, every future, every reality and this co-creative now moment.
I, as this unique expression of The One and Infinite Creator, choose to sleep in the fires of Earth Mother’s Creation, safely and in confidence.
I, as this unique expression of The One and Infinite Creator, am a signature frequency match for “Do no harm to any sentient kind.”
I came to a similar conclusion a couple of days ago myself. Recently I have been greeted with a lot of catalyst surrounding blue ray. I am me, I am nothing less, and nothing more. I am perfect and fitting for each moment. There is no need for manipulation, lieng, and deceit. I will meet every entity, with the same raw intensity, and presence of The Creator that I am. I will no longer disengage myself and bring myself to there level, through means of observation and mimicry. There is nothing to hide,I am what I am. I will always forever more show and fully express myself. No more games, no more hiding. The World will know who i am. The I am, that we all are.