yossarian Wrote:That's my whole problem with the idea of polarity.
My intention is clearly both. I want to be happy and joyful and feel universal love. I also want this for others. I guess I'm stuck in the sinkhole of indifference.
I have great difficulty choosing myself or others. It seems like a false dichotomy. I'd rather serve the Creator, serve the All, and that includes recognizing myself as the creator and others as the creator - everyone as the creator! This is the Law of One is it not?
So I make myself happy and, when I can, I make others happy too. And when I make others happy this tends to enhance my own happiness.
So many ancient meditators would go off alone and find enlightenment. Were they progressing through the densities in an STS fashion? They would abstain from doing harmful acts because they wanted to avoid accumulating karma. Is that STS or STO? Their focus was on themselves - they wanted freedom. And they were smart because they knew that enslaving others would hamper their freedom by incurring karma.
Wanting happiness and love for yourself and others is clearly STO in intent. An allusion of the STO human is usually made to the lightbulb. It's own filament must be working in order for it to shine. You have to love yourself enough for that love to have the ability to radiate outwards to others.
You're clearly not within the sinkhole of indifference because you're not indifferent to the situation. You have clear intent. It just might be hard to see yourself because of how thick the veil is.
I think the ancient masters going off alone is akin to pulling one's head back for a greater view. Isn't that the way Q'uo answers most questions, by giving a grander scope of context first? I think these people were simply following their inner guidance. And if you're speaking of people like the Buddha or Ghandi who are known to be STO, then I think we can assume this attaining of the clarity of self before moving on to helping others was done with an intent of STO.
yossarian Wrote:Aaron Wrote:If you're seeking the positive path, don't include your concerns in the affairs of light and love to others.
I don't really understand what you mean by this.
Let me rephrase. The stories that are concocted in one's head by the ego (think drama) are detrimental to the flow of open love from the heart chakra. They distract and limit. Acknowledge and balance these in order to see yourself more clearly and be more able to radiate light and love to others.
I'm sorry if it wasn't/isn't really applicable to your situation, and that it wasn't really clear also. I'm in a better spot of mental clarity now.
yossarian Wrote:Aaron Wrote:Keep it simple. One thing that I always used to do, that I didn't see the value of until I'm able to look back on it now is, when coming in contact with people, visualize them enjoying the peace of mind that you reside in. Visualize them "being enlightened one day". Visualize them partaking in sharing the love and light that you're enabling them to discover within this lifetime. Visualize them being empowered, discovering their own spirit. You won't do this because you stand to gain anything from it. You'll do it because you love them as yourself. As long as they remain in a state of confused suffering, there is a part of you that is suffering.
This sounds like you aren't accepting them as you find them, but that you're projecting something on to them so that you can love them.
I used to do this but then I decided I was engaging in what psychologists call "splitting" where you avoid seeing the parts of a person that you don't like so that you can like/love them. It's inauthentic and disrespectful because you're refusing to see the real them.
It seems to me that true universal love can love people for their faults and in all their forms without projecting some enlightened persona on them or imagining them as the infinite spirit.
The visualization of someone enjoying a higher state of consciousness is much less a projection of yourself onto them and much more an understanding of yourself AS them. It's a way to make subtle connections to the higher selves' of others in order to be able to understand (read: love) them more completely just as they are right now. Visuallization is a tool of the violet chakra, where all are seen as one.
I do agree with you that splitting, as you say, and projecting are inauthentic and disrespectful. That wasn't what I intended to describe.
yossarian Wrote:But when I feel love, I also feel love when I come into contact with others. I do have regard for them. I love them.
Ra said that having an open heart is the path of STO and STS people have closed their green and blue rays no?
I believe Ra said the path of negativity is one that rejects the validity of green ray energy as a part of the evolution of the entity. The blue ray stays open, or is opened rather, directly from the yellow ray. In that light, I'm a little confused just as you are when you point out my seeming fallacy. Perhaps the love of self is more of a distortion of self-appreciation coming from violet ray?
yossarian Wrote:So how do I figure out if i'm STS or STO if STS feels like it's positive?
I would almost have to say don't worry about it while incarnate. Just do what feels right and what brings you the most fulfillment. Trust your inner guidance and your own higher self above all. Q'uo also said that it's detrimental or a distraction to try to "take one's own spiritual temperature" or otherwise diagnose one's self or place on the path of spiritual evolution.
yossarian Wrote:Aaron Wrote:How do you know [Gates] intention was selfish?
He said as much. His focus was purely on profit and dominating the market, treating business like a puzzle or game to be won at all costs.
Ok. I wasn't aware that he had stated his intentions early on. I always pictured him as a guy who wanted to connect people.
yossarian Wrote:Aaron Wrote:The current human viewpoint can't contain both, and that's on purpose. I think you're right when you say that you don't have to subjugate others when you serve yourself. And the reverse holds true as well. Also, you don't have to be perfect all the time. There doesn't always have to be a positive reason or intention behind a seemingly STS act. You're allowed to make mistakes! You're allowed to taste both flavors before dipping in.
I don't understand why the human viewpoint can't contain both STS and STO? Do you just mean that if you don't emphasize one you'll never escape 3D because you won't have enough polarity power?
If the human viewpoint contained both STS and STO, there would be no value of incarnation as a human in order to gain the viewpoint that allows accelerated gain in polarity.
yossarian Wrote:Anyway this thread has helped me to get a closer idea of what it means to be STS or STO I think.
yossarian Wrote:My intuition basically says to focus on the self to a point and then focus on others. So like achieve a certain level of joy and peace and love, and then use those positive feelings to help others. I mean that's what I'm motivated to do. But that means that sometimes I have to STOP serving others in order to re-connect with the joy and peace and love if serving others interferes with that sometimes.
This life, for the positive entity, is full of bumping into walls in the dark. But I think that the information gained from those head bumps can be used to better navigate this veiled world.