09-08-2018, 10:17 AM
GREAT NEWS! My dad just helped me heal it!
I told him about the Auschwitz thing, and here's the brilliant s*** he told me:
Thing is, while the Nazi's may have been attempting to BREAK the Jews by deliberately working to rob them of meaning, the Jews learned WORK ETHIC and used the work they did in Auschwitz to become brick layers, carpenters, etc.
Then he told me about how in the military, they deliberately train you to dig a hole, dig another hole, fill the second hole with dirt from the first hole, etc. until they have the rudimentary skills to make a foxhole.
It's like the "Wax on, wax off" thing from Karate kid! Daniel didn't see how waxing on and off over and over again had anything to do with anything until he learned to apply it to something (in this case, Karate)
A guitarist does fingering exercises which do not in and of themselves create music, but help build fingering strength for playing.
Dad learned all this first making sets in theater class.
Difference is, these tasks tend to have an intended training purpose.
The Jews were DELIBERATELY given work that was made to seem as if it had no meaning, yet they had the power to GIVE it meaning by figuring out how they could apply it to meaningful work!
So all that busywork, from classwork and homework, to TPS reports, to being told by the boss to "Look busy" by fake cleaning an already clean table surface so the customers don't see you "lounging" can all be imbued with whatever meaning we choose to apply to it. We can CREATE a use for the things we do!
My parents have both made some majour contributions to this healing and transmutation process.
And now, I leave my computer to GET BACK TO WORK. And I'm EXCITED about it! HAPPY about it!
Because all this healing/transmutation is completed with APPLICATION, and if NOTHING ELSE, we can earnestly use taking pride in our work (even if mindless busywork) in order to build the right attitude which will serve us in the future, and in doing so, create meaning which serves us in the present. We become the captains of our own souls! Thank you all for helping me in this healing/transmutation process!
Back to work now
I told him about the Auschwitz thing, and here's the brilliant s*** he told me:
Thing is, while the Nazi's may have been attempting to BREAK the Jews by deliberately working to rob them of meaning, the Jews learned WORK ETHIC and used the work they did in Auschwitz to become brick layers, carpenters, etc.
Then he told me about how in the military, they deliberately train you to dig a hole, dig another hole, fill the second hole with dirt from the first hole, etc. until they have the rudimentary skills to make a foxhole.
It's like the "Wax on, wax off" thing from Karate kid! Daniel didn't see how waxing on and off over and over again had anything to do with anything until he learned to apply it to something (in this case, Karate)
A guitarist does fingering exercises which do not in and of themselves create music, but help build fingering strength for playing.
Dad learned all this first making sets in theater class.
Difference is, these tasks tend to have an intended training purpose.
The Jews were DELIBERATELY given work that was made to seem as if it had no meaning, yet they had the power to GIVE it meaning by figuring out how they could apply it to meaningful work!
So all that busywork, from classwork and homework, to TPS reports, to being told by the boss to "Look busy" by fake cleaning an already clean table surface so the customers don't see you "lounging" can all be imbued with whatever meaning we choose to apply to it. We can CREATE a use for the things we do!
My parents have both made some majour contributions to this healing and transmutation process.
And now, I leave my computer to GET BACK TO WORK. And I'm EXCITED about it! HAPPY about it!
Because all this healing/transmutation is completed with APPLICATION, and if NOTHING ELSE, we can earnestly use taking pride in our work (even if mindless busywork) in order to build the right attitude which will serve us in the future, and in doing so, create meaning which serves us in the present. We become the captains of our own souls! Thank you all for helping me in this healing/transmutation process!
Back to work now