09-08-2018, 09:49 AM
(09-08-2018, 09:23 AM)Glow Wrote:(09-08-2018, 05:37 AM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: As one learning to walk the path of a new age healer, I first investigate the clearing, healing and transmutation of negative entities, implants, attachments, psychic energies, etc.
I had mine cleared yesterday. Now I am feeling fear again. I now wonder if it is because of implants again or something else?
I am dealing with things by reminding myself that this is the moment I choose to recognize that I am faithful in each moment. That I am facing my fears RIGHT NOW and I am doing it with aplomb. That I am not manifesting negative manifestations by being faithful and unafraid, but most probably the opposite.
Still, negative implants/attachments/etc. clearing is my intention and I ask you all to aid me in this regard.
Thank you all so much for all the loving support you've given. It really means a lot.
I just replied to Pergrine with something about this.
It is catalyst, if we don't learn from catalyst or heal what brought it, it just comes again. Integration. Smile
That's why we all gotta learn to clean up our patterns, see ourselves more clearly, otherwise we just bring the old stuff back in.
Others can disagree but I personally do not believe in implants, or attachments. That seems very fear based terminology to me.
We learn in recap to clean up all our connections to people/triggers/memories/traumas, - the unconscious that links to the present consciousness/and unconscious.
Those are where what might be colorfully called attachments or implants hide.
It's perfectly within your power to clean that crap up yourself and maintain it.
No one needs a healer unless they are unwilling or to sick/unwilling to do the work themselves.
Thank you for your wisdom. I realized this earlier after arguing with my parents about my life path. They made me realize that I refuse to live my life, because I don't like it the way it is. Mom compared getting a job doing stuff I don't like to the "Wax on, Wax off" thing from Karate Kid. I brought up how it tends to get used by people who don't really care as a convenient excuse for free labour, even though their students are already paying lots of money. I then had to realize that just because the wisdom gets abused by people who don't truly prioritize the lesson, doesn't mean it has no wisdom. I said "But most people NEVER MOVE PAST the 'wax on, ax off' phase!" And she said "You have such a contempt for 'most people'" And it hit me as true. A little voice in my head said back "Well they always had such contempt for ME" And what kills me is... That's not even necessarily true anymore and probably wasn't as true back then as perceived, although I've been treated VERY negatively by people in the past. I talked to my healer and she said she saw no negative energy in me. She said it's just excess kundalini energy. Might be part of it. Still, un-integrated polarity/wisdom I think plays a major role and this is my higher self getting me off my ass. My healer even said when she healed me that the name of the game now is "grounding"
I also realize how my mom, my dad, my dog even, and everyone else I meet in life mirror my own struggles. So they all serve as living metaphors for what I'm dealing with. And the ones we attract are the ones who most reflect our concerns because those are the ones we're paying attention to. BECAUSE they mirror us in such a way.
Still, all this wisdom also is to be integrated.
I have decided to take my TESOL courses when I can. First I help my dad prep the house for a hurricane.
Thank you for this, Glow. It confirms that this is indeed just catalyst. And as I continue to dwell on these issues, more really out there types of worries start to build. Reminding me of a dream I had:
I realize it was basically saying the more I stress and worry, the more I make things worse on myself and give myself more worry.
And kinda like that Taoist attitude of the more one tries to control s***, the more "out of control" it gets.
So... I stop "Controlling" and just start LIVING, which means APPRECIATING so I can integrate the wisdoms which help me deal with life's anxieties.
I am now focused on my goals, and TESOL (once I'm done helping my fam out) spending time with loved ones and grounding through productive work.
I think also, I grew up being trained to do mindless busy work that served no purpose but to make it LOOK like I was doing something, and I think that turned me off to work. This may be a deliberate attempt within the matrix to prime us to have an adversarial attitude towards work by giving us the false impression that it is meaningless.
Kinda like when in Nazi labour camps, they forced jews to break rocks into bits, put them into heavy buckets and carry them all around the camp and then put them back down where they picked them up from, with a "work makes us free" sign to mock what they were doing. IT's a means of trying to create resentment for the very things which produce meaning.
By changing my attitude towards work, I hope to heal/transmute this. As I think about it though, more stress arises and the fear(s) start(s) returning. What does this mean? Just processing the catalyst? Maybe because the school busywork I did compares and I'm compelled to heal that trauma too.
Any other ideas on how I can do this? You know ALONG WITH my doing productive work?
How else can I work to heal that inner child/teen/young adult who was doing work which seemed unproductive and got the inner wounds from such a thing?