09-06-2018, 01:09 PM
(09-06-2018, 10:45 AM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: I think maybe there's a piece of me that associates letting go of struggle with complacency.
Does anybody have any input they think would help me approach this subject?
But maybe complacency is just another word for peace or transmutation of an energy.
I will try to share with you a few of my lessons.
Please bare with me it is often hard to discribe understandings that come over several lessons(dreams and knowings) into word.
I will try incase you can glean something from it.
First struggle isn't necessarily what is happening but our thoughts about it. Time is part of experiencing both pleasure and pain so sometimes we need to use the experience of time(pleasure) and in other moments it is very useful to be able to step outside of time(pain).
So might be best to use a dream I had as that is how it was shown to me.
There was a man in a concrete building. It was basically a quarantine lab because he had a virus.
It was kept inactive and he was a normal nice pleasant person. The Dr who was there to keep the virus from taking over had to leave .
In her absence the virus started to activate and take control. The man was feeling angry, violent and reactive. The virus was over powering him and the feeling was everyone is in danger. The virus will spread and everyone will be out of control hurting one another.
I was trying to figure out how to contain him and the virus but it looked impossible.
The knowledge almost narrated but not with words was that we are all infected with a virus. The virus has already spread.
It isn't some looming zombie apocalypse but the way our thoughts experience time so we pull our pains/fears/ unforgiveness of self and others into the present/future and it manifests as actions/behaviors that hurt our self and others.
You can chose to use that or not but it has shown me that these thoughts say your grief over the loss of that friend. It is virus.
You are comparing moments in the past when the friend was with you to this moment when they are not here. This moment isn't actually so bad but bringing up the idea of your friends absence contaminates this moment.
Drop context from each moment, even drop the moment before and the moment after. What is in that one moment.
Without context most moments are actually ok. Devoid of actual suffering. Sometimes even the most humdrum without context can be experienced as love/calm/beautiful/joyous just for the moment without words just awareness of what is in that moment.
Suffering that is real like abuse or circumstance is still the perpetrator bringing their virus into the moment and exposing you to it.
I am sure there is a lot of explaining I could do to try and make this clear. I admit it isn't my forte. I am still piecing all the bits together to form it into linear thought. Hopefully you can understand a few ways to remove context of the moment when necessary though to skip over that unnecessary struggle, and also to keep the virus from spreading through you. Transmutation of the virus when possible.
Hopefully it didn't just read as nonsense. I swear it helped me which is the only reason I am passing it on.
As to complacency. I'm not sure after typing all that if it addresses your question except complacent with what? Isn't everything we could be complacent about just an idea, just a string of moments we are placing context on, a perpetuation of the virus?
Only you can say.