(07-30-2018, 08:34 AM)Nau7ik Wrote:(07-30-2018, 01:21 AM)loostudent Wrote: The goal of Buddha was nirvana. As I understand this means he wanted to jump directly in the density of foreverness (8th).
Yes that’s what I think too. The Buddha achieved complete and perfect enlightenment, 8th density. That’s the ultimate goal. 8th density would be the octave density. The level of consciousness of a Logos, who is also an 8th density being.
If we look at this Qabalistically, the Buddhist path leads one all the way to Kether, Union with God. Ra said they are quickly approaching the density of foreverness, 7th density. Uniting wisdom with understanding is the work of 6th density. Wisdom and Understanding are two of three Supernals on the Tree of Life: Chokmah and Binah.
I say the Buddha reached 8th density because in seventh density one accumulates spiritual gravity so that they may experience Union with God. The Buddha is completely done with the path. 8th density is still a higher density than seven, but now it’s on a new octave. So 8th density acts as a kind of dual density. Union with the Creator until the Creator sends sparks of Himself out again to harvest experience in a new Creation.
“Kether is the Malkuth of the Unmanifest.” It’s the same concept with the Four World’s of the Qabalists (on a higher octave). For example, the Kether of Briah is the Malkuth of Atziluth. And the Malkuth of Briah is the Kether of Yetzirah.
Anyway, I just wanted to add a Qabalistic interpretation as I understand it. Maybe I’m mistaken, but as I understand it, the Buddha reached complete and perfect enlightenment, meaning he is done with the path of this octave completely. He only stayed behind to teach after the urging of a Deva that there are some incarnate who may be able to understand. And actually, the Devas (positive higher density beings and Angels) even came down to ask questions and learn from the Buddha.
In conclusion, the ultimate goal of both the Eastern and the Western esoteric traditions are capable of bringing one to Kether, complete and perfect enlightenment, Union with God. Ra simply wasn’t questioned about the Buddha which is why there is very little info in the LOO about it. But as was said above, Scott Mandelker works with both systems and can provide great insight into Buddhism and the Law of One.