(12-13-2012, 08:28 PM)Major3rd Wrote: 1. Do you think there exists an entity like Lucifer/Devil/Satan? Or is it a "soul group" like what the hidden hand describes?
2. What is the connection between the Orion group and this entity/group (If it exists)?
3. What are demons? Are demons part of the Orion group?
4. All the gods that have been spoken about in different mythologies, what are they? Who/what are people whorsipping?
5. Do you think it's possible to "sell your soul" to any of these "groups" entities, the way many people describe? Or have a "pact" or what you will call it.
First off I'd like to say welcome and that I've personally been through some of the stuff you've described. Sometimes the only way I avoided committing fucking suicide was out of sheer compassion for my family and Humanity at large, even if there likely wasn't much or anything at all I could do to improve how things are--which had a hugely polarizing effect on me, as how the LOO would describe. As for my answers to your questions, take it all with a great mountain of salt:
1. No I don't believe in that, although there are many entities which would describe themselves as such, to be certain. There is no polar opposite to the One Infinite Creator according to my knowledge and intuition. Ultimately all Service-to-Self entities are providing metaphysical gifts to those they harm, and all things turn out perfectly, not in spite of evil or mistakes, but essentially because of them. The universal processes of Creation are designed so anything can happen and everything will always turn out for the best--literal perfection. (That is if you don't already perceive all things as perfect.) You mentioned a couple near death experiences about people meeting Christ and learning about the devil in their experience, but I believe this can be explained by how people usually visit their own version of the afterlife from what they believed during their incarnation, based on many accounts which I've read. Apparently, eventually the NDEer or genuinely departed see through their false afterlife by asking simple questions or, if they're in a "heavenly" realm, by simply getting bored.
2. Orion Group is just probably where the ideas about the existence of a thing like Satan and ideas found within Satanism as a religion, philosophy, and historical force come from. From what I know of it, it's essentially just a combination of some spiritual beliefs and Ayn Randianism. "All selfish actions benefit all entities." is the basic gist of it. According to a man named Alex Collier, who alleges he is (or was IIRC) in direct contact with some people from Andromeda, says that Humanity has been given many ideas that originated off planet. The Caste system from India was used as one example. War was another.
3. According to my understanding a "Demon" would be a non-physical Service-to-Self entity of the fourth density and up. That almost describes the Orion Group to it's core, as far as I've heard about them.
4. It's a mixed bag. There are multiple answers to this. According to my understanding some people are/were worshiping just nothing, others worshiping thoughtforms and egregores, others perhaps literal aliens which came out of the sky and claimed to be Gods. There's some evidence that Ancient India was visited by advanced entities who referred to themselves as Gods. Apparently there was a nuclear detonation during that time of all things.
5. It's impossible to sell away your soul in a literal sense because it's literally all you are, according to the Ra Material. The only real way to sell your soul, your self, is to simply agree to be a slave. I've heard that this sort of exchange is used by the Elite today, tricking naive people to become slaves of their own free will by letting them be celebrities, actors, and so on. I believe the Orion Group's overarching goal for us on Earth was to make us slaves in a similar manner on a planetary scale.
Thank you for the opportunity to sort out my own thoughts on these matters through your questions. I hope you begin to feel better soon.