07-18-2018, 10:51 PM
(12-13-2012, 08:28 PM)Major3rd Wrote: Hi all!
I've been lurking around this forum for a while and finally decided to join you guys.
My first post here might sound a bit negative, but these are some topics that I feel are very important for me to get some opinions on, to be able to continue releasing my fear and focus on helping and loving others, which is what I beneath all these distractions am trying to do.
About 3-4 years ago I started to wake up/open up to different conspiracy theories, starting with 9/11 and continuing with global warming, "Illuminati", the ruling elite and so on. I also watched a lot of David Icke and other similar, then stumbled upon David Wilcock. I think I've touched most of it.
It's been really hard to cope with all of this, especially since I can't really discuss it in depth with anyone around me. I've learned more and more not to take anything as a complete truth, because I feel as though there is disinfo out there. In one way this made it even worse, people saying Icke is disinfo, Wilcock is disinfo and so on. I also followed a lot of Wilcocks "insiders" who said stuff that never came true and that just drained me of energy and hope.
Many times it all just felt so hopeless and at the same time like living some kind of "double life" since my friends and family aren't at all in to this kind of stuff, I've always felt very different. It might have been a year and a half ago that I ran into the Ra Material, never really reading it all through but reading portions of it that to me felt very true. After that I came to the Cassiopea site, that brought a lot of fearful content and then I stopped researching these things for a while.
I have to admit that at one point this autumn I even fell into some of the more dogmatic christian conspiracy sites, not really buying in to it but thinking that there might be something to some of it and got very frightened for a while. It was like a huge struggle with my fear for several weeks. It actually hurt a lot in my heart and chest physically. Subjects like what is from god and what is from the devil/lucifer/satan or "demonic" or whatever. Essentially some people think that all other than christianity is from satan, like "new age", kundalini, yoga, chakras, channeling, spirit guides, "UFOs are actually demons" you name it. I cannot at all understand how I for a while could let this bother me so, since it had never done so before and I've allways been interested in the paranormal. It feels very silly and unreal to me, almost as if I suffered from some kind of "psychic attack" from something(I don't belive that is the case but just to describe the feeling)
I've through the years also run into a lot of stuff like satanism, luciferianism among the elite, people claiming to have communicated with "satan" sold their souls or whatever. Another thing I've researched alot is Near-death-experiences. In very few cases there are examples of very "christian" near-death-experiences where the experiencer is told about the devil and his demons or what you want to call it. I'm a little surpriced that the Ra material doesn't cover more of these topics about lucifer, since I feel it explains many other things so well. Since the fearful weeks I've let go of it, but I still feel like it sort of prevents me from continuing my spiritual journey. A part of me feels that so much of the Ra-material resonates with me, but another part is afraid to maybe once more being lied to or whatever. Not ever being able to know what of it is true and what might be negatively influenced. I'm also very interested in Buddhism/buddha, Taoism, the teachings of Jesus not included in the bible and so on. There is so much positive loving material that I want to study, but some kind of fear is holding me back a little.
Sorry for the long post but I will try to form some questions that I would love to get your opinions on.
1. Do you think there exists an entity like Lucifer/Devil/Satan? Or is it a "soul group" like what the hidden hand describes?
2. What is the connection between the Orion group and this entity/group (If it exists)?
3. What are demons? Are demons part of the Orion group?
4. All the gods that have been spoken about in different mythologies, what are they? Who/what are people whorsipping?
5. Do you think it's possible to "sell your soul" to any of these "groups" entities, the way many people describe? Or have a "pact" or what you will call it.
I want to make it clear that I am not a dogmatic christian or anything like that, I just feel the need to research these things for some reason, probably to be able to release my fears. Maybe some of you have had similar questions at one time.
Also I hope my english is understandable.
Hello and welcome
I would say I believe majority of conspiracy theories to have some truth, but i really can't be certain.
Here is the 1 thing that you need to know: negative entities cannot hurt you unless you allow them to.
Demons themselves are a creation of other entities but do not have life force of their own. If you don't believe in them, then they won't hurt you. From my understanding, Gods in mythology were mostly part of the confederation attempting to help humanity, like Ra.
I don't know what you mean by selling your soul. I guess you can if you give them control over yourself.
Honestly, if you want to remove their power, then focus on the positive.