07-18-2018, 09:31 PM
(12-13-2012, 08:28 PM)Major3rd Wrote: About 3-4 years ago I started to wake up/open up to different conspiracy theories, starting with 9/11 and continuing with global warming, "Illuminati", the ruling elite and so on. I also watched a lot of David Icke and other similar, then stumbled upon David Wilcock. I think I've touched most of it.
Sorry for the long post but I will try to form some questions that I would love to get your opinions on.
99.9% of the conspiracies blabbered in such websites, Icke shows, and including Wilcock's shows, 'hidden hand' are just horsesh*t, so you can just rest easy.
Of the remaining 0.1%, A lot of conspiracies are already revealed due to FOIA requests, ranging from operation mockingbird to operation gladio, and a majority of which are posted on CIA's or relevant agencies' own websites.
And almost all of what you would call conspiracies do not need to be secret at all, and are conducted in broad daylight, by just naming them differently, like 'business', 'national security', intelligence', 'trade treaties', 'corporate investments' and whatnot.
There is absolutely no need to hide anything and go to dark forest groves to do elaborate/weird rituals with 'dark magic' when you can just enslave people by persuading them to believe that it is a good idea for them to work 40 years of their life, 8-10 hours a day in stress by getting only a few percent of the money they make as 'salary' and you gulping the rest as corporate profits and then get yourself praised for propagating that. Those who do that do not hide anything, they meet yearly openly, they even publish their thoughts and suggestions and these are applauded as 'sound economic policies'.
You cant 'sell' your 'soul' to anyone, cant make a 'pact' for it, and cant get anything in return even if you somehow managed to 'do' it.
But you can definitely 'sell' your soul by believing whatever is peddled to you, ranging from buying into what i described above to buying into the 'conspiracy' stuff that are sold from such sources, and immerse yourself in negative vibration models and low frequency vibrations. It is even worse than any potential scenario of 'selling one's soul' as described in such fiction, actually, since in that fiction at least you get something for it. With the actual selling of one's soul, you get the shaft and believe that it is something very good.
But the thing is that what you are experiencing is what a lot of people who start walking on their spiritual path experience at one point in time, at the start. Fear, anxiety, worry, rumors, conspiracies, hopelessness and all kinds of such darkness. It is your own duty and responsibility and joy to learn how to get past through these and continue on your path towards a brighter, light filled future.