One of the only things I can personally recommend to you Phoenix is something called the Formula of Compassion. It's a 9 step technique in forgiving others. Forgiveness, in my experience, is more for the forgiver than the 'forgivee' and taking back the energy used in wanting revenge or feeling resentful for yourself can feel far better than getting the apology you deserve.
I also suggest learning about the Law of Attraction and learning about the Seth material to see if your own psyche isn't coming up with negative events for you over and over for metaphysical reasons which you could undo with time and effort. This is more important than forgiveness at this point but not everyone believes in the law.
I also suggest learning about the Law of Attraction and learning about the Seth material to see if your own psyche isn't coming up with negative events for you over and over for metaphysical reasons which you could undo with time and effort. This is more important than forgiveness at this point but not everyone believes in the law.