07-17-2018, 07:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-17-2018, 08:00 AM by EvolvingPhoenix.)
(07-17-2018, 01:31 AM)blossom Wrote: You need purpose, beyond 3rd density distortions.
If you had money, many friends, a relationship, loving parents, lived on your own, had all those things you say you lack. Would that really be what you came here for? Did you really abandon your infinite self just to live a good life? Ask yourself.
I'm not saying you can't live a good life, but it is what it is. You can love what little that you have, because just existing, just being conscious and breahting is the most exciting thing we have. And we tend to forget that, because of social norms. Comparing one with another.
Have you resumed learning The Law of One?
You have been given the tools and instruments to do great work for the planet and the creator. Are you putting that into use?
You've catalyst that can help you grow, you can use that catalyst to do work. There's not much I can say unless you take your learn/teaching seriously once more.
Forgive me for being bold, I feel like you need a rough push to start learning again. As Ra said, it's the only activity worth doing. To learn and teach.
I DO know what my purpose is, yet I feel like I am imprisoned here with my wings clipped instead of out there being able to do what I truly wiah to do. And I am sureounded by people with toxic attotudes and they're the ones I have to spend the most time around.
Funny enough, it INVOLVES learning and teaching. I intemd to be a teacher who teaches abroad. I wanna be the teacher for those kids that I ddin't get growing up: the kind whonhas the balls to actually TEACH them(even at the expense of doing what I am expected to do by yhe system) and not siding with adults who punish/scapegoat them when they cause headaches by failing to sub,it/conform. And I want to make children smile. It's a very simple pleasure, but it kept me alive during a very dark period when I was REAL close to suicide. However, I lack the funds for TEFL certification. Or passport renewal.
This epsiode I had may have also been related to that negative cord I mentioned. I ask my healer about it and it is very likely to be that ex-friemd I mentioned. She mentioned that the friend does not need to be negative but we share negative energy. When one of us feels sad for example, we both feel sad. So I don't even know if that negative energy was mine or theirs. I was feeling good that day and all of a sudden, WHAM! I feel like s***. But it could also have come from me, especially cause new light had been shed on the nature of my relationship with this person and it was not as I had hoped. That's all I shall say on that.
I know there is no magical technique that permanently fixes your chakras. That's why I asked how the f*** I would be able to keep them, balanced.
Quan, thank you for those helpful words and links.