(12-15-2010, 11:25 PM)unity100 Wrote: the concept of nothingness, is a mystery to me.
there is oneness, unity, in which we can see as the infinite intelligence.
there is something that enables the uniform, unified infinite intelligence, to individualize from its self, and manifest as multiples. (more than one).
there is one. but there is also something enables that one, to be many.
then in return, the opposite must be true for whatever is doing that enabling. it is probably in some 'manyness' state that goes far beyond 'infinitely many', and 'the one' enables that to be able to exist as infinitely many.
probably, two sides of a spectrum.
Hello Unity...its great talking with you and sharing back and forth.
I think (limited perspective) that the 'one' as always 'being' is always expressing.
Look at us as beings....we are also, always expressing ourselves. As we express....a many comes from us through creations, actions, ect....but all of those manys that we caused or created or were a part of ....contain us in some way. So as our creations seem separate from us, they really are not.
I guess what I am saying is that the 'cause' or enabler of the 'one becoming many' could be a impersonal nature process of 'expressing'. This expressing of self creates many things that 'seem' separate from the creator or outside of the creator even...but the creator is within all of those creations and is of those creations. It could be that through expressing, as being, is a process of renewing 'self'.
Think of all the phases of our lives. We go through childhood, adolescence, ect....each of those phases of our 'be-ing' contained different expressions of us that represented our 'phase of being'. Imagine taking some of those expressions away out of our lives. Did we not need all of those expressions of ourselves to form and make us what we are each today? Even the little expressions of ourselves, such as letting someone know they made us happy with a hug of thanks or petting our pets throughout our lives....expressing ourselves is a huge part of our being and I think we are made in this image. I think the Spirit of life expresses itself and needs each little expression from the seeds to the flowers to the birds to the rocks to the stars to mold and form its renewing of self.
Is there really a 'nothingness'? Ever? Even in stillness...it still is something.
Is there such things as voids? Isnt energy everywhere? Compressed or not compressed...there is still energy. All energy reacts and responds to other forms or none forms of other energy....but its all a one energy really, reacting to itself.
Sorry, Ive been away and have a lot on my mind and am aware my posts are somewhat rambles.
And just cause we see things as a many....could it be that its not really a many at all...but still a one. Maybe its just from our limited perspective that there is a many. Isnt that the illusion here?