12-14-2010, 10:00 PM
I like your way of putting it Neganova. This is a concept that has bothered me a bit as well, but after thinking about it for a very long time, I've realized that I, well, have a very long time to think about it. We're not supposed to go back into the Creator until we've learned all we can possibly care to learn and experienced all we can possibly care to experience. It isn't like you get sucked in unwillingly, it is just a choice that is open for you to make. I can hardly conceive of it now, but it seems like after being around for eons and eons, it would seem a lot like going home. Still, I don't think anyone is going to pick you up, forcefully strip off your personality and thrust you anywhere you don't want to go. YOU are fully in control of your own destiny. You have as much time to explore and experience and enjoy as you could possibly want.