(06-21-2018, 01:43 AM)yossarian Wrote: That's pretty epic.
I haven't heard similar but I'm just working it out logically.
You probably wanted to do some wandering but the only lesson you wanted to work on was unity, instead of balancing love/wisdom, or doing a specific service, so you came up with this scheme.
So you're in contact with these people but have lost contact to some extent? Why not become best buddies? That must be a very strange interaction.
Also, I think as a consequence of this scheme you just have a natural ability to leave your body/channel. And now you found a specific use for it in helping out this other person.
Well we both still work on remembering the balance of love and wisdom. The soul it just loves. In 3d wisdom has to play a part but the soul is pretty ok with all of it because it understands.
Really now that I type it out I see that is soul wisdom so maybe it is just unity. I never asked. The egos still make it work so unity is the biggest thing but still feeling along in the dark unless we hand off our control and trust to the soul. We are at different stages of that.
I am best friends with one. The other obviously has things to do without us for at least now. He checks in from time to time both energeticly and via text/email but he feels very strongly he has to offer his wonderful wife(seriously she isgreat) the life she signed up for which is a normal not crazy one and it’s not a huge deal.
I’m sure that was planned and there is a reason but I try to not even contact energeticly unless he does first as it’s his free will and I know it must be hard. Kind of like getting home sick when you hear from people back home. He’s ok. I don’t seek all knowledge of every detail of our situation because the soul energy is pretty convincing that it’s all fine and going as planned and there is still some part of the charade of 3d that is necessary at least for now.
Ps hope that made sense. Just woke up.
Oh and I love everyone. So I serve everyday because I can’t help but love people but I don’t think any of us(from any soul) knows the complete extent to which we are of service. Ok rushing off to work.