06-08-2018, 10:46 AM
(04-22-2015, 12:54 PM)Aion Wrote: The process of the emergence of Creation in the Ra Material is very, very similar to the construction of the universe in Kabbalah. (Which shouldn't be surprising if you consider the history of the Jewish people...)
First there is Ain which means the void or nothingness of nothingness. This is considered the primordial 'blank slate' in which the Creator exists. I would equate it with the absolute potential of Intelligent Infinity. This is like Wuji or the Tao or the Void.
Then, the Ain becomes the Ain Soph which means 'limitless, boundless, infinite'. This corresponds with the first distortion of Free Will, I believe, in that it represents the fundamental freedom of the One Infinite to embody all things.
The third aspect is then called Ain Soph Aur which means 'limitless light', which of course would correspond with the second distortion of Logos or Love. Ain Soph Aur I believe is the same as Intelligent Energy.
The difference here is that Ra never mentions the primordial state except to refer to Intelligent Infinity prior to its discernment of finity. Thus, the first distortion happens to Ain, producing Ain Soph, then the second distortion occurs in Ain Soph and produces Ain Soph Aur.
In Kabbalah, these three are considered to be the primordial foundation of all of Creation. Creation occurs out of these by something called tzimtzum or a contraction in which the inward moving force produces an outward moving force thereby producing within it space, time and all of creation. I see this as the concentration of the principle of Logos.
The difficulty of a 'timeline' begins to appear however since I am personally not entirely sure the universe ever 'began' per se. This cycle began at some point but I don't believe that to be the beginning of the One Infinite Creator. In fact, I don't think the One Infinite Creator has a beginning or an end, it is simply there.
There is only one substance: Identity/Will.