05-31-2018, 10:39 PM
(05-31-2018, 05:23 PM)yossarian Wrote: Compare the ethics of L/L Research to the best Church, Sangha, Temple, University, or Non-profit you can think of. L/L Research comes out very favorably. One might say LL has the advantage of being small. But LL consciously chose to stay small. They could have chosen otherwise a long time ago. Even back in the 70s, they could have been pumping out an army of channelers each bringing in money selling writing, training, all kinds of different products and services, building up a hierarchy with outposts across the globe, selling retreats and seminars. In the last 20 years they could have sold personal audiences with Carla and hyped her up as a magic superguru. They could have capitalized on the 2012 phenomenon but didn't even try at all and often downplayed it. Jim could be doing the convention circuit touring around hawking books and pyramids, giving speeches and personal readings. I wonder if LL people have even had these temptations presented to them? Or if they are so pure such suggestions never even entered their mind complex?
The fact that Don insisted that they give the material away for free is remarkable. This initial decision has echoed down the decades and resulted in LL today--an organization so admirable in its transparency and lack of profit-seeking that its hard to even believe it can exist in such a capitalist world. At some point the ethics of the organization become more remarkable than the material itself! It will be very interesting to see if these standards can be maintained in the long term.
(Huge thank you to Don, Carla, Jim, Ian, Steve, Gary, Austin, Plenum, Monica, Jade and all the other employees/helpers/moderators I don't know about)
So much agree yossarian, thank you, I feel so much gratitude too for everyone you cite.
I had been uninterested in mediums until about thirty five years ago when I stumbled on Edgar Caye whom I found so appealing since his readings at first were so much about physical healing. Then I studied more psychic essays, but seldom have I felt such love as I felt for Ra, when I started to study the LOO