05-31-2018, 07:26 PM
(05-29-2018, 04:55 AM)buket Wrote: Then what is special about parallel incarnations?
I can think of a few advantages. First one would be exactly what wanderers gain from a veiled experience, that is to allow aspects of themselves that are shutdown or nullified in their wholeness' balance to find actual expression. I think this is somewhat why most sources, ones I've seen at least, talk about very intense stages of twin flame reunion, because the separate aspects have a form of expression that would be denied in their whole balance and there is a work to be done by the other aspects to accept that portion that was disallowed to be expressed to grow as it is, thus also growing itself, making the whole they are grow in turn. This is exactly how love/wisdom is balanced in 3D to the wanderer, there's aspects of love that quit being repressed by knowledge, or other aspects of love, and are allowed blindly to move as they will, when with too much conscious contrast to them it makes little sense for it to happen. In space/time it's a lot like you can be many things from one moment to another, while in time/space it's a lot like how you are is a constant within existence.
Another aspect is that it creates a colored/polarized dynamic with an equally great power for tension just as for resolving them, catalysts will make use of these dynamics to enable growth in the separate aspects. The pull created by this play of separation makes also perhaps more likely to move through the 3D egos into raising the planetary vibration to a much greater degree than would have been possible with these aspects all united in a single incarnation, while also healing aspects of the deeper self, the separation creates a drive of seeking in what feels to be missing which lead one to pierce through the illusion.
Ultimately there's just parallel incarnations with an illusionary sense of distance from yourself to yourself, so the question somewhat ends up with: what purpose is there in being many? I guess it boils down to knowing the self and growing as the self. 2 is 1 with 1, 3 is 1 with 1 with 1, 4 is 1 with 1 with 1 with 1, and so on with each 1 in relation to 1s with a potential for further division and reunion into realizing what 1 really is. The complexes of self know many many layers of diversifying the experience of what a self is and separation is resolved in layers upon many levels, although each focus is ultimately fundamental in its essence despite whatever hierarchical relationship it may have with itself found in another self. Everything and everyone is you in their own moment of a thought.
tl;dr. love/light light/love