05-17-2018, 09:04 AM
Quote:Can one become adept without rituals?
Yes, absolutely! Remember what Ra said, “Begin and end in the Creator, not technique.” So ritual and technique are not necessary. With the Qabalah there are two ways that one can go: magical or mystical. The mystical path is capable of Union with God. It goes all the way to Kether by way of the Middle Pillar: Malkuth, Yesod, Tiphareth, crossing the abyss/Daath, and Kether. The practical magical Qabalah aims at initiating the self at each of th Sephiroth. The Middle Pillar is the equilibrium of the pillars of mercy and severity. The path of the mystic is called sometimes the “path of the arrow” because it shoots straight up the Tree from Yesod to Kether (The path linking Yesod to Tiphareth: Sagittarius- the centaur aiming his arrow, XIV - Temperance).
If we’re looking at the Tree of Life, the first grade of adepthood according to the Western Mystery Schools is Adeptus Minor, attainment of the sphere of Tiphareth. Jesus Christ is often attributed to Tiphareth. Jesus was an adept.
If you are more of a mystic, then that’s totally fine! I am too, I tend towards the mystical path rather than the magical. It can be a mix of both, I think. Whatever way brings YOU closer to God is the right way for YOU.