05-07-2018, 08:10 AM
(05-06-2018, 08:07 PM)EvolvingPhoenix Wrote: So I have been experiencing much spiritual catalyst repeatedly, some of it quite painful, for the last 2 or 3 years and part of the process for learning to pull myself out of suffering has been to develop myself spiritually and I even both awakened to and then discovered the Law of One as such. More on that when I post in Wanderers' Stories, but I feel stuck and it seems I have a real hard time getting over past mistakes, failures, regrets, guilt and shame.Thank you for sharing, great courage to do that.
I'm very ashamed of myself lately. For spending so much time in my life dwelling in toxicity, failing to do the things that would make me happy, for bringing other people down, for throwing away good friendships and irredeemably destroying the trust of people I loved.It's hard to shake that feeling like I can't be redeemed... it's partially rooted in people I've mistreated not wanting anything to do with me and never truly understanding how things felt from where I sat... and the fact that they had good reason to want nothing to do with me regardless.
I hate myself for hating myself. I hate that I can't seem to escape this negative thinking and yet... I know I must if I want to make anything any better for myself.
In spite of all of this, I know I can do it! I know I can find some way! And I honestly feel like my prayers and my suffering and my pondering and everything have lead me here. To this site, to the Law of One, to spiritual awakening in general, everything. And I am confident looking at my life and what I know and listening to my intuition that I am a wanderer and I am here to do something my higher self wants me to do. But I have no idea how to begin my spiritual practice. I'm still stuck in this way of thinking and doing things and it's hard to escape.
It's hard to find answers. It's hard to know what I truly want. I keep thinking maybe if I had some sort of guidance that could help me out, I'd be on the right path, but every person I've ever looked to for guidance has been a disappointment. Still, I need to open myself up. So I figured, maybe if I open up my 3rd eye and listen to my intuition, I can more easily connect with what my higher self wants me to do.
A piece of me knows that for numerous reasons, the environment I am in right now is particularly difficult for me, and probably makes an even more welcoming environment for negative polarity beings who very likely dwell here to the obliviousness of everyone in my family but me. Still, I found the banishing ritual of the Lesser Pentagram hard to learn. Maybe I should try to find a source for learning it that makes it easier for me.
Not only am I having a hard time learning to cleanse my environment of malevolent entities, but I also have no idea how to get started activating my chakras, which seems to be a bare bones basic thing to people enlightened to the Law of One. I don't know how to contact a spirit animal, or have that connection to my higher self I have heard some claim they've managed. I would really like that so I can get answers and help progress faster towards whatever I'm here to do.
Some of you can remember past lives. Some of you can telepathically communicate with rocks and animals and computers. Some of you have healing skills. Some of you can talk to spirit animals or other benevolent entities. Some of you can balance and strengthen your chakras, some of you have manifestation powers, some of you can sense energy and see auras, some of you can communicate with others across time/space and space/time, some of you know how to enter other dimensions, some of you know how to cast spells of various types. Some of you can banish STS entities and summon STO ones.
I can't do any of that stuff and have no idea where to start.
So HOW DO I start? The 3 things I most want to do with my spiritual practices right now:
1) Getting rid of STS entities and generally protecting myself from their influence.
2) Strengthening and balancing my chakras and developing my intuition/connection with my higher self. If I can connect with my higher self and know what it wants, I KNOW I can more forward.
3) Learning how to interact with spirit animals. If I can trust spirit animals, they sound like they may be useful, although I'm not even sure what they are.
So how do I get started doing these things? I think if I did these things, they could help me progress as I need to. Can anybody point me to some resources or schools or tell me what works best when getting started and not having anybody in your personal life who can help you with these things?
Any help is appreciated and you have all been so amazingly helpful so far. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all the kind support and aid you all have shown here in the past several days.
I will appreciate any help I get in this post as well. Thank you all so much and may you all find what you're looking for in your spiritual journeys as well.
I love you all.
May i also add.. further to Infinite on balancing..
Law of One 5.2 , 6.1 the balancing exercises. My obesession for some time now

An one of most important is to follow heart, love, intution or guidance pretty much what basically feels right as only you will know whats best in each moment. More you refine that choice easier it typically becomes..