05-03-2018, 10:34 PM
Quote:I agree, i think this is a pretty good theory, although i think most 3rd density life has this type mechanism. I'm thinking low harvest is due to a combination of a couple things
-this planet has a mix of souls at different levels of development. You have those of Maldek and Mars, who destroyed their worlds due to bellicosity (So this was a bad start) and was at stage 3.3 or 3.4 in development, and then you have the primitive Ape man that originated from 2nd densitiy who is at 3.1, then you have souls from other star systems who may be positive or negative that range from 3.3 to 3.7.
Mars bodies did not reproduce. Reproducing bodies were Earth's. Genetic manipulation applied to all 3d ape-like bodies, so the sub logos is not totally responsible for what it was going to come. Souls reincarnation is different (3.0, 3.1 etc etc if you want to number sub densities). Reincarnated souls reincarnated in 3d ape bodies as appropriate. Melanin is the single most differentiator of so called ape bodies with blond blue eyed ape bodies having less melanin and possibly other forms of adaptation according to latitudes. A 3.9999 3D soul can reincarnate in Nigeria or in Sweden or in China. Same for 3.1. Same for double activated transitional 4d souls. Maldek souls (at the beginning), reincarnated way before 3d was available in ape 2d bodies due to karmic balance. Currently, at the end of the cycle and with so many billions of souls any soul will reincarnate where it should (or can), that is a Denebian won't reincarnate in China region necessarily, it might well be in Brazil, for example.
The 150 harvestable entities at the end of second cycle were in my opinion, most likely local souls, an isolated South American group.
Quote:-From what i've read, Earth has a level of Free Will that no other planet has, due to the veil. Back in Atlantean times, they had telepathic awareness... Think about if we can hear each other's thoughts. Then it would be difficult to hide our true intentions. We would polarize much faster as a society. The fact that veil was strengthened to give rise to speech probably was a big impact
Don't recall the material talking about Atlantis and 3d entities able to communicate telepathically instead of speech. Can you provide the link?
The speech issue was mostly due to the genetics implemented by the so called one of the Guardians (later losing their name) at the beginning of the 3d. Sub logos implemented the opposable thumb.